Matlock Bath Protest.

Discussion in 'Rideouts & Events' started by Birdie, Mar 6, 2016.

  1. .facebook_1457286264724.jpg
    Great turn out today to protest against the proposed parking restrictions.
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  2. Well over four thousand bikes turned out.
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  3. I thought the proposed parking restrictions were dropped a week or so ago (?)
  4. No Dave the decision is t be made later this month. There were rumour it had been dropped.
  5. I had hoped to go but then I realised it was my youngest grandson's first birthday today, and I had to go to the party.

    I hope the demonstration is successful.
  6. I was there
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  7. That R6 rider needs longer legs
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  8. I would love to go out and protest against parking restrictions, but in this part of France there are none for bikes, it's just not fair!
  9. Rode the scrambler through sleet, snow and rain to get there! It was dry and relatively warm whilst there, never seen so many bikes! Fairly brisk ride home down the A50, I must remember to wear my ear plugs.........race termi and no baffle!
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