May The 4th Be With You...

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by JR45, May 4, 2014.

  1. Happy Star Wars day everyone !
    • Thanks Thanks x 2
  2. cheers
  3. Thanks for the thought, but that's a set of films I have never reflect the urge to watch/go see.
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  4. Only saw the first one in 1977 at the cinema.I enjoyed it but didn't bother with the rest of the follow ons.
  5. Errrrmmm...
    It's a joke guys it's not meant to be taken seriously...
    It's a bit like the Darth Vader joke - "Luke, I know what you are getting for Christmas... I have felt your presents !"
    • Like Like x 1
  6. Senior moment here.:)

  7. Nah, any excuse to open the bubbly ! !
  8. My fave Star Wars joke is about Obi Wan and Luke Skywalker going our for an Italian meal
    Obi Wan orders a pizza and Luke orders the spaghetti.
    When the food arrives, Luke just grabs handfulls of the stuff and starts stuffing it into his open month. Obi Wan, looks across the table and says. 'Loooke.....Use the Forks'
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  9. 1977..?:eek:

    I had hair theno_O
  10. Is tomorrow "revenge of the 5th"? Seriously though if one more person mentions may the 4th on Facebook I'll scream
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  11. Always thought that all the Star Wars films were completely overrated. The Helen of Troy figure wouldn't have had me launch a boat on a pond, let alone an intergalactic war. The acting is impossibly wooden, the characters made of cardboard. As for the the one that looks like a carpet and continually makes the sort of noise that my dog would if something were stuck in her throat...

    I suppose their legacy is in making gay robots sympathetic, light sabres and Darth Vader. The rest of it is completely derivative and i could never get interested in who was on whose side or what the political intrigue was, which seemed marginally less interesting than UKIP's political agenda.

    Still, the series seems to have made plenty of people entertained, but then so no doubt did Lost In Space.
  12. Glid - please see post #10...
  13. Yeah but Darth Vader is cool
  14. And Princess Leia would still get it.
    • Funny Funny x 1
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