Mce Goes Bust - Again

Discussion in 'Insurance - Sponsored by Ducati Insurance' started by Jez900ie, Jul 28, 2023.

  1. I never thought that would happen -said no one at all ever.


    I hope no one here gets screwed.
    #1 Jez900ie, Jul 28, 2023
    Last edited: Jul 28, 2023
    • Funny Funny x 1
  2. The brand was damaged beyond repair the first time, how they were allowed to reopen under a different scheme was a shambles. FSA should of crucified them, not let them rob people again.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  3. I was with them 1st time around. As luck would have it I was selling my bike around the same time. Received plenty of updates from them. Very little stress tbf.
  4. I've never heard of them until now.:blush:
  5. Businesses loaded with debt are in serious trouble with interest rates as they are
    • Agree Agree x 1
  6. After first time they went into administration, my lad lost £700 as he'd insured his 125 with them. I vowed never to touch them with a bargepole and I'm guessing quite a number of people decided the same.

    What's the betting that the same bunch of directors will start up again soon, in another offshore tax haven, but maybe with a different name, so it's more difficult to spot the scheisters?
    • Agree Agree x 3
  7. They are an absolute gang of rats and i vowed never to use them again after i had nightmare dealings on a 675 claim about 10 years ago now (even though they consistently come up as the cheapest on comparison sites - its not always the best path to take, buyer beware!)
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  8. Thread moved
  9. It wasn’t the broker last time, it was the underwriter who was shut down by the Financial Conduct Authority which is why policies were cancelled. Assuming MCE, the broker, has paid the new underwriters their money, the policies should still be valid. Andy
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  10. I’ve not used them, but generally I avoid the cheapest option, why buy a Ducati and use poor quality parts/service/insurance. That doesn’t mean the most expensive is the right option either.

    I’ve used Ducati, aka Wicked Quotes but the insurer is Ageas.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  11. The policies were definitely not valid, He had to source new insurance, and the no claims was not accrued because of the cancellation, which for a new rider is an extra cost. Apparently you were able to put into the administrators to regain some of the premium, but I don't think he was succesful in recovering much if any.

    Seems strange that the new MCE set up in Gibraltar iirc. Presumably it was financially better for the directors due to some tax or corporate law reason.
  12. Couldn’t happen to a nicer bunch of schiesters
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