MCN top superbike test : 1199R on top!

Discussion in 'Panigale' started by kope999R, May 1, 2013.

  1. this is what i found:

    nothing more on that..

    Panigale R 146.7
    BMW HP4 147.7
    Aprilia RSV4 149.8
    MV F4RR 153.9

    the S model would probably have come second...

    7 seconds with the MV is a lot ..
  2. Times or top speeds?
  3. times ... i guess the ":" fell away...
  4. What circuit is that on?
  5. Price :wink:
  6. Perugia in Sicily or something...

    Verdict :

    1. 1 second faster than the HP4
    2. devilishly hard to ride fast... :)

    Fast bikes : 10/10
  7. MCN have admitted ducati engineers were present to set the bike up..

    Maybe Aprilia BMW etc told them to tell the truth or they will pull all adverts from the uk comic ££££.
  8. As much as I love the 1199 I think it's struggling on track v S1000rr and zx10 etc in many classes.. At top level I doubt it will win any more races. (prob win

    Did Ducati not say win at top level and you will sell bikes in the show room..or give the Bike Beano a ;)
  9. Yes its not doing well in Superbike, wish they could get rid of those throttle body restrictions (67.5mm to 50mm each). But doing really well in Superstock, where they leave it alone.
  10. Throttle bodies have now been increased a couple of mm to 52 due to the Pani's poor showing in SBK
  11. The ristrictors drop output and especially torque. It takes the wsbk xaust line to bring it back up to 205 rwhp . The pipe makes 14bhp difference ..

    Saying the beemer comes stock is a bit of a none issue. If it uses a system that sets it up for every yard it travels, then have someone skilled set the Pani up once does not sound that deceptive. Beacause that is what the active suspension of the hp does. And it sounds a bit daft to blame a manufacturer for correctly using the possibilities it s so proud to offer its buyers. It should be looked upon that the R has been develloped to get substantially better then the 012 bikes . Especially as much of that improvement is freely available for all customers . Why not blame them for using all gears . even the data logging is a feature of the bike.
    And what we see in this test is that these improvements are noticable. Also in comp with some fierce competition. Including the quantum leap bmw has taken . The r not only bridged the gap over the 1krr it went byond a very much better hp4 . That is significant.
    This all to be set against a background that beyond the 999r , al available improvements are theoretic to the average customer anyway.. In tracktrim , we re talking 200 rwbhp for 180 kgs all filled up.. That s better then haga.s F07 . Since the 1198 it takes computers to make them survivable.
  12. Sorry to say this but the Panigale coming first WAS embarrassing!
    Ducati tested on that track specifically to set it up for that track using their experts to compete with stock competitors for the MCN test.
    Joe Public with his Pani would never have achieved this level of set up, as witnessed by the previous attempt by MCN to compare the bikes. The BMW is available with the optimum set up without the help of BMW's experts, it comes with the price you pay for the bike.
    Now if next year the Pani gets a suspension upgrade to match the technology of the BMW maybe the Pani would be first in a fair fight.
    The way those bikes go, on the road you really need the BMW's technology to help avoid a visit to A & E or the morgue.
    Credit where it's due.
  13. good old mcn
    quite unlike them to make a complete cock up of proceedings
    bunch of nobs
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  14. That HP electronics package must take some getting used to. Especially in racing; what do you mean it doesnt need setting up mister?! Tbh tempted if I was changed for a litre rocket
  15. The active suspension system does X times per second what a good suspension specialist does once before you go out.. it changes compression and damping on the go for every 10 cm on the track. of it works well, then differences in surface, bumps or flat no longer matter. the system will make sure you have the best setup for all occasions as you go along. change lines and hit som bumpier parts ? no problem , you electronic engineer adapts immedadtly... without electronics your engineer aims for the best average..

    to me it would be deceptive if they would have changed following items : suspension internals, tweaking engine, or anything else a customer that bought the bike cannot do. customer should decide for themselves wehter they want an easy sensible machine or a very sophisticated tool that requires a deep knowledge to make it work.

    Pleas let's not forget that with the xx98 every test was concluded with how much they liked the bike but that because of lousy 'out of the crate' setup it ended 8 out of 10 ..

    now guys, let this story not take away from one plain truth: if you don't mind looking at a truck and do mind you're budget, there is no 1 single reason not to buy the HP4. And if you're not devout of all skills as a rider, chances that you will clobber about 99% of all comparable riders out there with 2 fingers up your nostrils is about near to certainty...

    but hey, that's being rational. And if we were, we wouldn't be here, would we? :)

  16. This is where it starts getting dangerous for your average joe who doesnt maintain/service his bike, once these bikes are widely available in the second hand market to third/ fourth and fifth owners ,5/10 years down the line whats to stop serious electrical gremlins killing wannabe road racers
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  17. But at half the price, the HP4 will take some beating. Thats more than a budget conscious rider, given its similar money to the base Panigale. Although (having ridden neither) if in the market I'd probably still go Ducati route...thats what we do :upyeah:

  18. valid point Peter..
  19. seems they dont need to win to sell they posted very good sales recently...also i think i read somewhere that nakeds were outselling the sports bikes...

    i recently bought a hyer and can see why they (nakeds) ​be topping the sales charts

  20. You mean like RD500's no brakes? RG500 no frame? GSXR1100 oiler-bus no......

    exactly! All these bikes are f*'!ing leathal unmaintained even 3 years down the road, if you go out "unsuspecting" on a 200bhp, unmaintained spaghetti rocket then life was destined to be short for you anyway. The upside is we get ebay parts and casualty gets the rest. Not sure I see the problem? Just a general redistribution of parts to people more suited to utilizing them. :upyeah:
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