Me blog

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by JerryXt, Nov 4, 2012.

  1. Just done a little update - might be interesting to some : )

    • Like Like x 4
  2. 999 pornography
  3. Thats really great dude :biggrin: with some really nice photos. Ive just started with my own site Head behind the bubble - Homepage How do you advertise your site or do you do it just for fun?
  4. Just one small thing. Bayliss F07 Xerox had red frames.

    (Mr 9 finger nails) :frown:
  5. Cool...:cool:
  6. thanks chaps! It takes a lot of work to keep people 'satisfied', but I'm lucky enough to get close to these bikes and lucky enough to be able to describe what I see.

    Matt, it's mostly for fun. It started as research on the little R, but it's grown as I get access to bikes. The Blogger tool is useful - it shows where people are viewing from - a lot in the States, loads here, regulars from France, Italy, Germany, Russia and Australia.

    Nine-nails - it's been repainted a few times! And it took a bit of work, but it's not a Bayliss bike. Sad, but there it is. Onward and upwards!

    Just added a few pics in the last hour.
    #6 JerryXt, Nov 4, 2012
    Last edited: Nov 4, 2012
    • Like Like x 1
  7. More please!
  8. Referring to the photo of the cooling system, from what I gather the last of the 999's i.e. what were run in WSB and BSB (GSE) all had a pressurised cooling system, very bling and does help keep the temp down especially when lined up on the grid.
    #9 Freak, Nov 5, 2012
    Last edited: Nov 5, 2012
  9. Great blog Jerry, made a start but must read more when I have the time.
    Keep it going Steve.
  10. Jerry stop pure porn. BTW what is limbox/on switch for?
  11. Luca, I would say "limit box" for pit lane speed control.
  12. Ah makes sense, stupid H&S.
  13. Jerry, have you purchased this bike? :smile:
  14. After reading Kato post on ukmoc more pressing question is did Kato buy GP10 "CS1"?
  15. with respect i hope all cooling systems are pressurised.....and that is what keeps the temperature down by raising the boiling point.
  16. I knew someone would say that, what I mean is normal bikes you add fluids and remove air, this is pressurised i.e. fluids are injected under pressure
  17. cant beat injecting a bit of fluid under pressure.........:eek:
  18. just done some updates - Bianchi (not finished!) and Bursi/Panigale. Very interesting if I do say so myself!
  19. oh jerry,.........cracking pictures from a very good place.....heres hoping his postal system is better than his emails....

    the con rod need to do a bit more research on the longer rod logic and the moving of the piston pin up to accommodate said longer rod....
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