Medical Advice ...seriously

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by AirCon, Nov 25, 2014.

  1. WARNING - This is a serious request for help...contains graphic descriptions.

    Since the early hours of Saturday I've been projectile at both ends of my track.
    within 5 minutes the top end was empty, the other end was very regular a few hours later, every 15 minutes or so.
    First 24 hours were horrific joint and lower back pain; like I'd imagine running a marathon would feel like. Since I only eat them, I just have to imagine (younger members this is what we used to call snickers bars).
    Slight temperature and dark, concentrated urine (visually, not taste!!) not comfortable to pass.
    And no...I've always been a good boy (well at least since meeting Emma).

    After recovering from checking out my symptoms on the internet (I have hysterical pregnancy, blood poisoning and Ebola) my missus has now been advised that I should see my doctor.
    Since to see my Doctor would take around 45 minutes from my door to his this leaves a problem, but no sympathy with the Chemist.

    Today is my fourth day, only slightly sore knee joints (all other pain gone), but I remain with my en-suite dependency.
    Any idea on what action to take apart from waiting it out.
    Food is not doing well either...Marmite and dry toast..didn't hang around long before taking the long way out..
    Note I dare not drink anything as this is like pouring straight into the bowl.
    I'm managing to drink around 750cc of water a day (1000cc on Sunday)...but it ain't hanging around long.

    Note I did work on a diary farm on Wednesday last....what is the infection time for mad cow?

    Answers on a post card please.
    #1 AirCon, Nov 25, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 25, 2014
  2. Get a nappy on and get to docs or ring 111.
    After 3 days you should be getting better not worse.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  3. Forget the Doc, call A&E.
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  4. I don't think a Nappy is going to be up to it...perhaps a dry suit.
    I'll try 111 later...if I can stop the bathroom habit...then I'll be a happy man.
  5. Telephone appointment with doctor. Better than taking it into hospital and spreading it about. Rehydration salts in mean time, dioralyte.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  6. @Nelson you are bang on the money....never had it and never really looked into what it was...
    I've no idea how I got it.
    It looks like I've got the Norovirus (Most people make a full recovery within a couple of days.) with any luck all ok for Fridays NEC show.
  7. Norovirus - NHS Choices

    What should I do?
    • stay at home – don't go to see your GP because norovirus is contagious and there's nothing your GP can do while you have it
  8. You need to take water, you're badly dehydrated and missing out on water won't do you any good at all. Stay by the toilet by all means, but get some water in you.
    • Agree Agree x 4
  9. Agree with Fig
    Small sips so it can get into your tissues flat coke is good too but sip it
    Dry biscuit or dry toast but nibble it so little bits can get into your body
    Once you can tolerate water/dry food increase
    Also if your getting no better I would consult a professional
    Joint pain is horrible when you have something like this AC
  10. For the last 24 hours my Wife has been residing within a 15' radius of the toilet and her bucket (which both get used at the same time), its horrible.

    I had to make my own tea last night, walk the dog, make my own breakfast AND empty the dishwasher this morning, like I said a really horrible illness :)
    • Funny Funny x 1
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  11. It;s a tricky bugger! It'll fool you into thinking you're ok, then arse feck you for a second time!

    If you're still ill/worried phone your doc for a tele consultation.

    Dr Nelson.
  12. Yes, good point Nelson, your local surgery will set up a telephone consultation if you ask.
  13. Have you had a fever and stomach cramps as well? If so it might not be Norovirus and you really should consult a doctor. It could be Gastroenteritis or some other microbial infection that requires medication.
  14. gastro enteritis, forgive the spelling;):smile:..
  15. Well I think it's very inconsiderate of you coming on the Internet with your problems! I've heard all about Internet viruses and now we could all be affected.
    • Funny Funny x 2
    • Agree Agree x 1
  16. Can I have yer bikes when ya die? ;)
    • Funny Funny x 1
  17. Nasty. Get well soon and call the doc.
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  18. What size boots do you take..?
  19. Waterproof bottoms with elasticated ankles might be useful today.
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