Hi all im having a problem with my 1299s Im trying to connect my bike to the melco dish I bought the right cable (Lonelec) not some cheap Chinese thing of eBay and im getting this error code can anyone advise as I cant figure it out and its frustrating
What baud rate do you have it set to. This is a screen shot from a working device. Also USB or Bluetooth?
Is your cable plugged in on your screen shot? The COM port setting is not active. The software works with two ECU types, Melco = Mitsubishi (inc 1299), M3C = Continental/Siemens
Is this the kit you bought https://www.lonelec.co.uk/Motorbike...ware/Guzzidiag-Melcodiag-4pin-Interface-Cable Also, worth a read https://jpdiag.xooit.eu/t4699-MelcoDiag.htm
Hi yeh that’s the one I have I think I have read them all now hence why I can’t understand it not working
Just an update guys im no further down the road it's been a long day sending one email to them and taking 5hrs to get a reply as they don't do phone calls now however I have included to A video so you can see my pain
Hi not sure what that video is showing me? I'm looking under the seat and there's no other connectors ?
Looks like the one under pillion is the correct one PM me your details and I should have an ELM327 connector for you to try.