I tried this software a few years ago and got nowhere on my 2018 M1200s so returned all the cables and connectors. Does anyone here use it on a 2018 or newer bike as I need to reset my service light and change my belts. I don't want to go through the hassle of buying new connectors and cables to find it a no go.
Melco is no good on the post DVT bikes. You need either an OBDstar iscan or a Texa unit. A few of us now have OBDstars as they are way more affordable. Just dont buy from Wish. There is no aftersales support. I bought from https://www.bmdiag.co.uk/
As HootOwl says, an OBDStar reader is the way to go. I see that you're in north Somerset, I have one, if you're up towards Cheltenham I can do the service light reset for you. Bear in mind that this can't be done preemptively, you have to wait until the service indicator comes on. I've done resets on my Multi, for Desmo and oil services, as well as reading error codes. Also reset of an error code for a local member with an earlier Monster.
As far as I know I don't have a DVT engine, just a four valve. Thanks for the offer of a reset bumpkin, I may well take you up on that if the melco is a non starter.
MelcoDiag runs on my Win 11 desktop. I haven't tried connecting it to my 1200 DVT for a test cos I don't have leads yet and I'm awaiting delivery of a laptop since the desktop isn't very convenient
If you connect melco to the bike and try and reset service etc , does the DDS key interfere or should it still complete a reset?
DDS map key for the termi's. If that's installed and you service reset etc will it have any effect on the map if you don't use official Duc software to reset
Why don’t you guys look at JP’s FAQs and if the question hasn’t been asked/answered already, ask him directly ? https://jpdiag.xooit.eu/index.php (JP is actually a person and he answers promptly any question on him forum).