Member Status/starting Conversation

Discussion in 'Forum How To's - create an Avatar/Event/Group etc?' started by BobDavo, Jul 17, 2023.

  1. @Ducbird - Hi, I have been a member for at least a couple of years and have contributed. Yet I note that my profile describes me as a "New Member".

    I want to start a conversation with another member but that option is not available to me. Are these two things linked?

    I would appreciate it very much if you could have a quick look as to whether this is the case as I really need to get in touch privately.


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  2. Hi @BobDavo
    Nice bin :) thank you

    Your post count is now 30 so you should be able to start a conversation

    let me know how you get on
  3. As you can see it is not an option showing up for me:

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  4. Sent you a pm
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  5. @El Toro
    Can you have a look please

    Bobdavo has logged out and in and refreshed forum and still can't start a conversation
  6. He’s just made 31 posts. He should be able to now.
  7. As you can see it still does not show as an option.


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