Just been fiddling with a bit of footage shot last Sunday whilst out for a short ride with my son on the back of the Multi. I was testing my newly acquired Go pro and here is the result. The camera was adhesive mounted to the L/H mirror stem for reference. Multistrada 1200 with Go pro 2 on test - YouTube
I've got plans to be testing out my Go Pro at some point over the weekend and I'll go for the obligatory helmet mounted shots initially then try something else but I forgot to order more adhesive mounts so unless I can buy them locally I've got one go at it for now. Being technically inept the hardest part for me will be uploading them to YouTube
I'll not post the footage taken earlier today using a helmet mount because slightly illegal speeds were reached and double white lines may have been crossed trying to pick the best line into corners but apart from that it was shit. I'll have another go with it mounted on the right hand side panel and I've dropped the frame rate because the footage seemed to be 'stuttering' a bit and a friend has suggested dropping to 20 fps and seeing how it goes.
I to have a go pro, it's the go pro hero 3 silver edition, my friend and I did an edit from our silverstone track day, however the program's to edit was a nightmare. What do you use or recommend I use as its mp4 and above?? Me too bit hopeless with these things so any advise will be great.
Oh if this link works here is our effort, took nearly two weeks and this is our very first effort. hope the link works otherwise its Silverstone track day may 2013 on Ducati 749s
I'll be using a MacBook with iMovie as the starting point for editing then if that doesn't make me look better than I really am I'll try something else. So far I've only played it straight back using the standard Mac picture viewer so there's plenty of room for improvement.
iMovie is so easy even I can use it :smile: I've got some really nice footage of the sky and a grass verge because I was a dick head and didn't make sure the camera mount was locked in place and it went for a flying lesson. I knew roughly where I'd lost it and it took me three times riding up and down a 5 mile stretch of country road before I finally found it and when I got home and played it back there was a fairly clear shot of a Multistrada going past slowly as the owner of the camera scoured the verges. To say I was relieved when I found it is an understatement.
I once used the suction mount and suffered the same fate, never again!! Luckily I managed to recover the camera but the impact case had taken a beating, done it's job though!!
I'm really glad I'm not the only one. Mine's got a couple of scuffs on the little thumb wheels you tighten to lock it in position and a really small scuff on the latch that holds the back in place. It certainly proved to be robust casing because when it went flying I was hot on the tail of a couple of sports bikes along a local road that gets really busy with bikes hammering up and down it on sunny days.
If your interested here is my first video with my GoPro HD Aprilia Dorsoduro Factory 750 GoPro HD - YouTube