Hi Does anyone have a supplier for original fairing screws for the MHRs please? I know mdina have them but they are £7 each and only 9 available. M6 x 20. Diameter is 22mm Cheers Niall
at £7 a pop I would even consider.. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/114465996625?hash=item1aa6b47f51:g:GZoAAOSwefBgKqca still looking, might be able to find a single slot, it's the hard/quality chrome that might be a problem - how about polished stainless? https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/122903880071?hash=item1c9da46187:g:dJkAAOSwb9RdzVLm https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/11172539...RXoZ%2B5zhisag%3D%3D|ampid:PL_CLK|clp:2047675 can't find 22mm dia head, closest is 15.
well I didn't really fully answer your request so still feels like a "fail" but a simple mushroom head screw, albeit with a nice large 22 mm head should not cost £7 for one item even today.
Or these and turn head diameter down to 22.. https://www.westfieldfasteners.co.u...lotted-Mushroom-Screw-M6x25-A2-Stainless.html
Thanks. I’ve ordered some M8s from Bolt World as they should fit the side covers on and fewer are required. I’ll see what they look like and whether Bolt World can make a larger diameter M6. Cheers Niall
It might be called a “Truss” head, if you are open to different types such as hex (Allen), Star or Pozi you might get more options. At work we generally buy bolts from orbital fasteners in Watford, nothing like this but some items that are no5 widely available so possibly worth a call. There used to be a guy who did various shows and sold oddities he called himself Steve or Steves Stainless, at work we used to buy ‘R’ clips from him. Might be worth a search on Facebook
then again it’s too late for poor old Steve https://www.oldbikemart.co.uk/steve-jones-of-steves-stainless-dies-of-heart-attack-in-goa/