Biting the bullet and going to try and learn how to use this software. What’s min spec I can get away with? Want to spend little as possible. It will be for this and maybe updating my foxwell only, nothing else. A Google chrome book do the job?/?/
I presume you talk about JPDiag? If so a Chromebook won't work. Needs to be windows based. It's a simple software so anything from Windows 7 onwards works. Not sure about windows 11. I use a cheap windows 10 laptop. You should also consider GuzziDiag and ScanST. Both freeware. They give you more ECUs than just JP diag. ScanST is the only one that works for me with the Marelli 1.6 fitted to many older models. You also need a set of cables which can be different for different ECUs.
Mine runs on an old work laptop that was shit when new. Its my garage laptop. It doesnt need to be anything other than bare minimum. Get an old one Brad. Mine must be about 10yrs old. Battery is fucked so has to be plugged in 24/7 to use. But its fine for windoze bike related things.
I have two old ones but they are totally buggerrerd and won’t even start. So windows 7 plus, older laptops tend to have more ports
I run it on an old Intel Atom Netbook with Windows XP. No connection to Wifi and I only use it for diagnostic software. This was donated to me by @bettes I also have it running on a 10” Zoostorm Win10 Tablet that I picked up off ebay, but something like this would work If you want to use TuneECU or ScanM5X then buy a cheap Android tablet with Bluetooth. I use a Vgate ELM327 Bluetooth. Both were sourced off ebay. If you have an Android phone then you can use that. If you intend on running the laptop/tablet on battery then the newer the better.