Mini Cooper for Restoration

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by wroughtironron, Jun 16, 2013.

  1. Engines and wheels are worth a bundle, and there's loads of stuff under all the crap that wouldn't be easy to find these days......

    ....admitted I wouldn't pay over £10 K for them, fact not more than £6K.

  2. New shells are avalible off the shelf. You are buying identities two 20+ grand cars that will not take that much to get going. Plus they are the cheapest way in to top flight classic racing
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  3. DREAM ON ! There is nothing amongst that pile of scrap that is worth anything over £500. What is there in there that is actually uesable ? Having been a Mini owner for more than three decades I have seen some chancers trying to sell garbage - but this guy takes the biscuit ! Both of the cars are clearly identifiable as Mk2 shells - as far as I am aware Mk2 shells are not available. The only way to "restore" one of these would be to (illegally) transfer the identity to a replacement shell (Mk4 or onwards). All the other parts (engines, wheels, seats etc) are clearly fit for nothing other than the skip.
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  4. If someone pays good money for them they seriously need their bumps felt.
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  5. From 1969 to sometime in the late 1970s, I ran and raced 11 Minis (before I learned my lesson) and worked with Clive Trickey on engine tuning..........Bodyshells can be changed as easily as waving a feather duster about and providing the matter of registration is dealt with correctly, there is no problem in changing a shell.......

    Yes, you are right about Mk4 bodyshells...........It would be a great find if a Mk2 one in good unsued condition turned up, but the diffrerences are minimal........and many ways the Mk4 is much and brazing up the seams not quite so important.

    However, I disagree with your comment on it all being start off with, a recon gearbox for an S will set you back nearly £500; and a true 1275 S engine much much more...........the sh*tty version of a 1275 engine (1300) I agree with you....worth zilch.

    But looking at the wheels, they resemble Minilites and I'm d*mn sure they will clean up well..

    Plus think how much 1275 S brake calipers would cost.......

    Yep, they are priced far too high, but there is some stuff there that would be well worth salvaging.

  6. Up to £10, 300 and still going....
  7. One mans shite is another mans gold. They're worth what the person who wants it the most will pay. The interiors look fooked. Well most of both cars looks fooked!
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  8. Seriously - there is nothing there that cannot be bought from MiniSpares or MiniSport as new or reconditioned parts. Cooper S disc are readily available. Would you trust a Minilite wheel that has been stood outside and allowed to corrode that badly ? I certainly wouldn't ! And the Mk2 shell has the door hinges on the outside, and the roof seams are different as are the rear window aperture and the rear lights. There is no way the identities of these two heaps of scrap could be easily (legally) transferred to another vehicle - there simply is not enough of the original vehicle left... Of course it would be easy for some unscrupulous chancer to change the VIN plate over to another shell and flog it on to some poor gullible buyer - that has happened many times before...
  9. And the seller doesn't even have any paperwork for them !
  10. Way way way overpriced. They are mk1s not mk2s. Only one is apparently an S but no paper work! You can't get Mk1 or mk2 shells, so you'd be in another 3k just to get something you could build them into, although they may be more solid than they look. Even starting with a decent car that is worth 10k you'd be looking at another 45k to build a decent FIA spec race car. So you'd be in 55k for something that'll fetch 40ish. If you wanted to restore it to road car spec you'd probably be 20k out of pocket.

    Perhaps I should put mine on ebay, never raced or rallied one careful owner, £100,000 anyone??


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  11. fkn hell, you could buy a Roller for that money...
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  12. well if the buyers are happy to pay it...
    will probably appeal to a freshly retired enthusiast reliving his youth lol
  13. Just so you know for the future.....

    [h=2]Keeping a vehicle’s original registration number[/h] You can apply to keep a rebuilt vehicle’s original registration number if you can prove you’ve used:

    • the original unmodified chassis or bodyshell (car or light van)
    • a new chassis or monocoque bodyshell of the same specification as the original (car or light van)
    • an unmodified frame, either original or new (motorbike)
    You must have a registration document or other written evidence linking the registration number to the vehicle.

    You also have to have 2 other major components from the original vehicle from the following lists:

    [h=3]For cars or light vans[/h]
    • suspension (front and back)
    • steering assembly
    • axles (both)
    • transmission
    • engine
    • Easy with a Mini lump innit?
    [h=3]For motorbikes[/h]
    • forks
    • wheels
    • engine
    • gear box
  14. Exactly my point Arq... Having been left out in the rain for a number of years, do you think either of those engines wil be usable in any way ? And, as you state : "You must have a registration document or other written evidence linking the registration number to the vehicle" - which the seller would appear not to have...
  15. Engines will be usable...........I have rebuilt engines that have been left outside and in ponds before..........
  16. @ Oneball - I stand corrected. If thgey are 1963 then they are Mk1 not Mk2. ( For anyone interested thge definitive guide is here History of the Mini ). @ Arquebus - and the lack of a V5C ?
  17. Many barn finds don't have the log book (wasn't a V5C in those days....or of those Minis) and they end up on the road again....

    As long as the seller can prove how he acquired the vehicles and they aren't stolen, the DVLA will usually accommodate the re-build even if it has to be a Q plate.

    Anyway, he has pulled the ad now and will be re-listing it...........Let's hope he gets the faded red Cooper described properly 'cos it isn't a 1275S but a 1071S, Oh and although the bonnet badge says its an Austin, it isn''s a Morris.........the deeper red one is a 1275 and its an Austin, not a Morris.....It may be an 'S', hence the oil cooler......and I think it is the bigger servo as well.....

    .....but of course it could still be the sh*tty 1275 (1300) engine that someone has stuffed in there.......them and the 1100 couldn't take the revs in the Mini, so the cranks broke easily at the flywheel end.

    PS....the 1071S was quite rare, but the 970S was more scarce.
    #18 Ghost Rider, Jun 18, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 18, 2013
  18. Still wouldn't touch them with a barge-pole...
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