1200 Mirrors And Handguards

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by Ozz, Oct 9, 2016.

  1. During our recent trip to Classic TT, looking at loads of other 1200 Mutleys it became apparent that my one had Ducati Performance mirrors (with built in LED indicators) and handguards which wrapped right back to the bar end as opposed to the original ones which were larger mirrors and handguards with the indicators built in.

    Not the end of the world but the mirrors I do find a bit of a pain as you can only adjust them up and down instead of the originals which could be moved in all directions.

    So anyone got the original mirrors and guards sitting around and wanting to get rid of them?

    Looking online the DP mirrors cost £160 and the racing handguards £80 so if I can get the originals these will be up for grabs (or if you have originals and want DP maybe we can do a deal?)
  2. I agree that the mirrors are a bit smaller with less adjustment but the BIG upside are the stronger hand guards. The originals are very easy to break and expensive to replace (I broke 2 with minor touches filtering in London traffic).
  3. Hmm hadn't thought about that....
  4. The other advantage is they are a bit tougher in case of an inadvertent drop on the handlebars, might just save your levers.
  5. Looking at the prices for the bits I would have to buy I think I will have to stay as I am!
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