Missing Pixel on Speedo

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by Bails, Nov 4, 2012.

  1. Just noticed that the middle pixel is out in the first numeral in the 3rd column of the speedo. At 100 kph the 1 has a pixel missing on the lower part of the top of the 1. The 1 is normally separate by a single space mine has two ? This I assume would mean a new dash ? I searched couldn't find anyone else with this issue.
  2. Maybe it's worked loose and fallen down inside? ..........................sorry, not helpful I know but couldn't resist it :biggrin:
  3. Dunno.

    All I remember is that on Apple screens, you were allowed to have up to 3 pixels which wouldn't light before they'd fix it under guarantee. Of course, there aren't nearly so many pixels on a speedo. Perhaps if the wrong one won't light you might have a safety issue.

    How helpful is this? Not very. Sorry.
  4. I have now been told it is not a pixel as such but a segment , in any case I'll see the dealer today and find out what the issue is. As it occurs past 100 khp they will most likely not take my word for this and need proof ??
  5. I had a whole line of pixels missing in the small round LCD Dot-Matrix panel and they replaced the complete instrument panel for me. Your odometer reverts to zero, though.
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