1200 DVT Mivv Suono, No Back Pegs?

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by Yoozy, Nov 10, 2016.

  1. Just nailed a Mivv Suono and no cat on, by the cringe it sounds nice. Has anyone else got one with out the back foot rests on? It looks a tad heavy to have wobbling about without some kind of support, has anyone fashioned any thing?
  2. I have the same set-up on my 11 Mutley.

    No issues sans rear pegs. Just fitted it where it's supposed to fit and it's been fine.

  3. I'm not confident the little nib off the main frame where the link pipe attaches is strong enough on mine. It's pretty week looking tbh and I reckon the vibration would snap it. If I got the can mounted spot on I'd even run a little weld round the link and can to hold that straight. But it'd still vibrate a fair bit with the length and weight.
  4. Strange? mine hangs from the original exhaust mounts? It sits close to the rear peg but as long as you twist it away from the peg before you tighten up the heat shield it's fine.
  5. DVT boys, the bit that the link pipe attaches to is puny compared to the older model. I'm messing about making one after being inspired by Tobers fine effort.

  6. Ahh sorry didn't realise it was a DVT post. have to say that casting looks cheep n nasty though you'd think they would have blended it in.
  7. Took the bike in to Duc Manc today so they could have a look at the foggy headlights. My home made bracket went down pretty well. Well, they didn't laugh. When I've painted it I might even post a piccy :expressionless:
  8. Mk1

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  9. I was going to try the same thing but without a bracket, just spot weld the end can to the first y pipe... The stock can is just held by the bolt behind the footpeg... It would look very clean, if it would work.
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