916 Monoposto Seat Is It Correct

Discussion in '748 / 916 / 996 / 998' started by Davyd, Apr 8, 2022.

  1. BA659276-EC4B-4484-BE82-253E6FC106DA.jpeg I’m buying this for my 916 but there’s something bothering me. Does the main red stripe running from front to back right down the length look to be to wide. I’ve been comparing some images and can’t find any with this thicker stripe. Maybe some of you better informed guys can shed some light on it.
  2. Here's one i prepared earlier for you.
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  3. At minimum it's resprayed. On the underside it should have a Ducati stamp.
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  4. Is it plastic or Aviofibre? If it's Aviofibre then even if it is genuine Ducati it will not have any markings. If it is plastic then it should have the part number and some stickers on the underside. One shows how to lay out the helmet cable lock.

    If it's fibreglass then it won't be a genuine item at all.
  5. It’s a genuine Ducati part with both the part number and the datecode stamped. it’s a very early date stamp but as I said it’s the width of the stripe which is bugging me.
  6. It’s most likely been repainted in a non oem design. Just get it repainted as per post #2 to look ‘right’ ;)
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  7. Just googling and found this which looks the same is it possible it’s a factory paint I know there’s a few different designs..

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  8. ^^^^^^^^^^^^Quite possibly it was Giuseppe's day off at the paint factory, with a understudy completing the works that day without his knowledge.
  9. Haha. When in doubt blame Giuseppe.
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  10. Well it was pre-Brexit, Covid-19, Putin days.....so let's stick with that one.;)
  11. Your part is genuine and fairly rare.
    A few of the early bikes did have the wide angle stripe.

    This photo is from the first review of the SP in August '94:

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  12. If that's correct there'll be a price increase inline with Varese parts.;)
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  13. Hi Davyd. It’s a 94 sp or 94 916smono. It’s a very rare item as they changed to the parallel stripe for the other models. The one on the yellow towel is mine from an eBay listing and the bike doing the wheelie (also in the listing) now belongs to the man where I think you got your bike from.
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