Monster 400 rear seat hard cover

Discussion in 'Monster' started by rams, May 21, 2013.

  1. does anyone know where to get a hard-case rear seat cover for the Monster 400? Thanks.
    My Monster is year 1998.
  2. Hi never met anyone with another 400 .
    Yours wasnt the one in Ireland was it?

    So you want a seat cowl?
    Hard plastic one to cover your rear seat.

    Good news is the 400 shares body kit and most other stuff with M600
    And others.
    So if you go ahead and buy a M600 one of which there are many it will fit :)

    Do you have a photo of your bike?
    And how you got it .
    Pm me if you wish.
    There's not many 400s about I have one and a spare engine :)
  3. Hi there.... I got it from Singapore. I actually live there. ;) will post my bike pictures soon after a thorough detailing. I just got it yesterday ;)
  4. Hi, are you out in Singapore now?
    that explains it then! There's quite a few there as made for that market :)
  5. yup I am in Singapore now. :)
  6. They are interesting bikes.
    i have a 400 and a 600 and they are so different from each other!
    Great to hear someone else has one
  7. Don't forget you need mounting brackets
  8. yup... ordered that too. now for the wait. :)
  9. How much!!!!!!!!!!
    I got a second hand one and then you can spray it .

    Crikey If you'd found one on eBay in UK
    I'd have parcelled it up and sent it out to you.
  10. Paid about US$270 total.
  11. How much!!!!!!!
    You can pick them up here for about £40 in very good condition ...
  12. too late Sir.... It is already installed on my M400... loving the new single-seater look. :)
  13. Sir lol.... The last time I looked I was a girl still lol
  14. oops... my apologies Miss Hot-Girl-in-a-Ducati!! :)
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