Monster Evo 1100 Thoughts ?

Discussion in 'Monster' started by Fastmonkey, May 21, 2019.

  1. I've been looking for a Speed Triple 08 ish and was just thinking if I stretched a little further then I could get a Monster 1100 EVO . I've always liked them and I'm a Ducati guy at heart.

    The big thing I need to know is how useable they are in stop start traffic. I've got a 996 which is terrible for that sort of thing ! I don't want a recreation of that as I really want to get some miles in and commute as well.
  2. @Fastmonkey I had a standard 1100 monster and also an S4R with the 996 engine so neither is a direct comparison but both are close. The S4R was much nicer in traffic, a lot smoother. I have read the evo 1100 was smoother than the standard 1100 but I have not ridden one to confirm. If I was after a big air cooled monster now I`d look for an S2R1000 as that is IMO the best all round one and you get the single sided swing arm.
  3. Thanks, I'm set on the 1100 Evo as the alternative and it has the single swing arm !

    Any owners ?
  4. As an ex M1100evo owner I would suggest a remap of the ECU and a 14T front sprocket will make it far more useable in slow traffic. However it will still not be as nice as a big inline 4. I used to have a Kawasaki ZRX1200R that could be ridden at walking pace at tick-over with no need to slip the clutch.

    Also bear in mind that an air cooled bike doesn’t like sitting around in traffic. It will get very hot, although in my experience not enough to cause any mechanical problems, but you might feel a bit baked. I definitely got mine to the top of the temperature gauge once or twice, but never got it to flash so I was still a few degrees away from having to cool the engine down.

    If you don’t get many replies here you might find more M1100evo owners on the UKMOC forum.
  5. Im assuming my hyper 1100 evo sp has the same motor....assuming it has definately get it mapped - you can crawl through traffic at 5mph more often than not, not having to change gear....

    With regards to the heat thats really hyper never ever budges above 3 bars no matter what...
  6. The only thing I did not like about my 1100 Evo was a bit of engine shudder and slap under 5,000rpm, which you will have already experienced. And the heavy clutch, which I presume you are also aware of. Oh and a bit of slow speed, engine braking cornering, wandering off-line. Which is possibly more severe on air cooled models than liquid cooled. Slipper clutch seemed to do nothing.

    Other than that it was fine!
  7. Wow - neither for me...clutch is light as a feather...mind you ive got a Beringer master and Oberon slave...
  8. I found that the weight of the clutch lever movement to be deceptive. The issue is more about the ergonomics of the lever and the biting point. The biting point is early in the movement of the lever and the design of the OEM lever despite span adjustment is such that if your hands are of a certain size then trying to slip the clutch can actually be quite a strain. I found that replacing the lever with ones of a different design made things much more comfortable and made the clutch lever movement seem much lighter.

    I would also suggest rotating the levers down around the bars slightly compared to their original position. This keeps your wrists much straighter which is much more comfortable and actually enables you to more easily apply force to squeeze the levers.
  9. I put on one of our slaves that we sell as soon as I got it.
  10. I've got an Evo which having ridden old 900 monsters was what I thought an Evo would be but better, I didn't test ride it, bought it, rode it home and thought feck this is awful at lower revs.
    Adjusted belt tension and it improved, then fitted o2 eliminators and it is a different bike, so much smoother:)

    Brakes lack feel in my mind but that's ABS for you, suspension a little harsh but handling, torque and fun factor are great!

    If you want to try one, PM me, sure we can arrange something, added to which I will be selling it after a service in a week or two! 5 bikes is too many and my hips aren't what they used to be:(
    • Like Like x 1
  11. I’ve an 09 1100S, pre Evo so no ABS, which is not an issue for me. Clutch is light, standard slave, no need to pull the lever in more than 1/3 of its travel to fully disengage. 14T front sprocket, Termis & remap, but it’s still a bit lumpy below 15-20mph, I find it easier in 2nd and slip the clutch than in 1st. I no longer live in a big city and don’t venture into one too often nowadays, but if I did I’d use it no hesitation, much more so than my 748, just an easier riding position. Yes, being air cooled, it will get very hot in traffic, so hot you can’t touch the crankcases but, like ComfySofa, I’ve never seen more than 4 bars and that dropped to 3 again, which seems it’s average, as soon as I got going again. If it were me, the Triumph wouldn’t even get a look in.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  12. +1 for comments on 1100S.
    Bit lumpy at slow speed but nothing to moan about.
    Upgrade brakes to 4 pad radial.
  13. Thanks to everyone for their responses it's much appreciated. I think everything that has been written makes me think the Speed Triple is a better option for the type of riding I need to do. Sorry I know that's not the right answer for on here !
  14. Whiny triumph motor....youll need ear plugs for that....
  15. I like the sound of Triumphs, they remind me of the gear cams on Hondas....vzzzzzzzzz vzzzzzzzz.
  16. Each to their own on that one....i find the whiny triumph engine noise would drive me mad....i dunno what it is and i cant put my finger on it but id never own a triumph....ever...
  17. I have a Triumph speed triple and it's a much better town bike than my Ducati.
    #18 Mick_J, May 22, 2019
    Last edited: May 22, 2019
  18. Until they stop the fake tube frame thing and the headlights that stick out way too far when you look at them from the side, me neither.
  19. I really want to get a Ducati don't get me wrong, but that's the point right there. ........
    I love my 996s it's my fav bike I own, but it's absolutely useless at traffic !
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