Motorway speed cameras to be rolled out to stop those driving faster than 70mph - Telegraph The war on motorists steps up!
They have already turned them on along the M25 near the M4 up to where I turn off at junction 21. They probably have them turned on further... Just a cunch of bunts if you ask me... It's another tax effectively... its about time this country started using people power... Wouldn't be tolerated in other countries!!
Thanks for the warning - we all need to read this as it's not as if they are going to drop us all a leaflet - first correspondence will be a NIP.. People Power was the first thing that came into my mind also
How about actually policing the middle lane hoggers and thoughs who cause problems like tailgating. Doing 80 or even 90 on a motorway isn't the problem, making the motorways safe through driver education and awareness of whats going on around them.
It's really sad these cameras are everywhere my daughter got 3 points last week from a camera for doing 36 in a 30 traffic was moving and all she was doing was going with the flow. Then you get the idiots with no mot, no insurance, no licence and go to court get fined and then give them points on a licence they haven't got and will do the exact same thing the next day. I think our motorways should have a maximum speed of 90mph the cars are more safe now better brakes , tyres and air bags etc.
There's a bunch of cameras still operating around Birminghams motorways, but i've been assured by a pal who uses them every day that they only become active once there's a reduced speed limit in force. The cameras are on nearly every gantry, one for each lane, behind the signs that warn of lane closure/speed reduction etc. A mile doing 70 when the limits 60 and you could get caught enough times to go straight to a ban. The government needs to stop trying to get more money off us and start keeping what we pay instead of handing it out to anyone that turns up in the country.
Completely agree with this - Middle lane hoggers makes my piss boil. I was thinking of getting a sign that lights up on the parcel shelf for wankers that do this - Fucking irritating tossers! Also, Mr. Angry in his Audi or BMW trying to give me a ringpiece inspection with about 2" of space behind my rear end and the front of his car... Also, these temporary speed limits - I've noticed since they turned on the camera's on the M25 that there are speed restrictions in place a long way before they are required - I'm assuming that this is for the purpose of nabbing a few innocents that are merrily going about their business... I was heading round the M25 last week - 2 completely empty lanes yet with a 50mph restriction sign flashing...
Beware the M62 overhead cameras around Huddersfield to the Leeds M1 junction too Highways chiefs reveal M62 cameras ARE working when signs are off after 'underhand' tactics claim from top lawyer 'Mr Loophole' - Huddersfield Examiner
This flies in the face of the Association of Chief Police Officers (ACPO) advice to traffic officers not to report drivers doing up to 86mph on UK motorways and deristricted dual carriageways if the driving standard is not reckless. Variable speed limits on some motorways have been derigour for some years and has been said are activated when the variable speed limit is activated, ironically to keep traffic moving. If motorway driving skills were taught before relatively inexperienced drivers launch themselves into fast moving traffic it might make things better but I doubt it given some of the loonies who drive (and yes ride). I've driven round the Peraferique in Paris and some of the major US highways in California and they still manage to move volumes of traffic for most of the day - rush hours a given. In Hampshire there are 3 police traffic vehices to patrol the entire county's roads - chances of getting caught - bloody slim unless you ride a motorcycle. Andy
Probably be of more benefit to have minimum speed cameras. Sick of driving to work on a morning on what should be a quick, safe 'A' road and struggling to get over 40mph. Always the same, one moron that does 40 everywhere, including villages, followed by another without space between the vehicles for a safe overtake. Like fucking sheep. No doubt the same drivers that think the middle lane of the motorway was specially built for them. Rant over.
Aren't the variable speed limits about traffic management over the entire road, rather than just where you are? A 50mph limit 4 junctions away might keep you away long enough for a tailback to clear and avoid you adding to the problem.
They are, apparently, going to limit motorway speed limits here in certain places to 50 mph during rush hours. Various experts have said that this will optimise traffic flow. I haven't studied it so who am I to say they are wrong even if it seems counter-intuitive? It will be very frustrating though. Naturally on a bike I'd sooner forget the 50 mph limit and sort of weave in and out (with indicators, of course). :smile:
This is all very depressing. I use the northern M25 section a lot in the car from M40 to Essex: M25 speed cameras just work on three-mile stretch | Mail Online Does anyone know of a good site with all the FACTS? I think I may need to buy some help....Anyone using Road Angel/Snooper detectors? Any good?