More property advice,please

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by GLYNH, Sep 11, 2013.

  1. I am about to make the move out into the sticks(ish), does any one have any first hand knowledge of septic tanks? what do I need too know, are there s&*T loads of problems? .. I have now got my head round oil fired central heating.:biggrin:
  2. ditch the oil fired, get a log burner, and when chating remeber every ones related, dont bother with septic tank shit in the wood and pish round yer boundary. works for me.
  3. Septic tanks require maintenance and emptying occasionally - you need to find a local farmer with a slurry pump and tank.
    Avoid using excessive chemicals as they affect the microbes which are supposed to neutralise the sewage bacteria, so washing powder and bleach etc can affect the performance.
    Some are built by hand whilst others are a pre-formed plastic unit, such as Klargesters.
    Good luck !
  4. this sounds like a bit of a nightmare.
  5. we have one, been here 10 years now cleand out one time only, sierious about coal/wood burners oil very expensive
  6. Don't do it, the country is muddy, dark and boring and as you have already pointed out features a lack of basic amenities. ( some properties don't even have mains water)

    Most Villages seem to be full of nosey odd weirdos who all want to know what you do for a living and if you would like to attend a quiz night at the freezing village hall that smells like a 1950's bungalow.

    No where to get a decent coffee, pubs have shut down, OK for a weekend break but City living for me every time.
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  7. I have a cesspit, we don't have to worry what goes down the drain and get it emptied every 2-3 months at about £100 a time. It's really not a problem. We have gas central heating, on bottles. It burns through them in the winter, but come the spring we won't change them until Autumn. We use the log burner to keep the house warm most of the time. The only thing we have mains wise is electricity, even our phone/broadband is dog slow!
  8. No thanks! This is the view from my living room :upyeah:


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  9. As I said boring, it's just a field!
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  10. Yes, we need a Timmy Willy vs Johnnie Town Mouse thread.

    Put me firmly in the Timmy Willy camp.

    Towns? Full of naff buildings, traffic noise, nowhere to park the car, and other people.
    Country? Peace and quiet, space, animals, stars and veggie gardens.
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  11. country side for me, water straight from the burn.
  12. Fuck that, I'd be spending a fortune on hayfever tablets.
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  13. A few years ago we moved to a small super picturesque village in North Yorkshire. Gorgeous house, gorgeous location, gorgeous views. Nice country pub. One post office.......................And hugely ignorant locals.

    They didn't want to know you unless you'd been born and bred there. It was a local place for local people.

    We stayed 6 years and then moved to where we are now. We love it here.
  14. moved from the city to country side same problem, but to be honest never moved for the craic, got fed up having bikes nickd car and house broken into, traffic, ignorant feckers every where.
  15. Just more tractors then.
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  16. Drop Aquebus a line i believe he has both systems?
  17. I would hate to live in a village or small town where everybody knows everybody else's business. Every day having to meet the woman I had a quarrel with last year, or the man who saw me doing something stupid five years ago. Nightmare. In London, nobody knows who you are, so every day is a fresh start.
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  18. Same here in Oxford, total anonymity
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