Motor Sport Epetition

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Baldyboy, Dec 1, 2014.

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  1. As usual with petitions, the wording seems to have been drawn up by someone unfamiliar with reasoning, with law, or even with the English language. There is a germ of a good idea in there somewhere, well-concealed by muddle.
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  2. Has anything ever been achieved by e-petition ? Really ? The government were pretty damn good at ignoring thousands of signatures on the old-fashioned paper version, and seem to have even more contempt for electronic ones...
    I might start an e-petition to abolish e-petitions, and see how far that gets...
  3. You are right we could just sit and do nothing :)
  4. I agree with the principle of this one - if you don't like noisy vehicles then don't buy a house next to a race track - it's not rocket science... But I don't think that e-petitions actually achieve anything. They are a way of letting people think that they are "doing something" that doesn't do anything... If you feel strongly about the subject, then write a letter to your local MP. That stands more chance of getting a result. But that takes time and effort where just clicking on an e-petition doesn't...
    • Agree Agree x 2
  5. Touché :upyeah:
  6. A petition arguing in favour of a particular legislative change or a particular administrative action might conceivably succeed. But a vague, woolly, illiterate petition complaining about something with no clue how any change would be effected definitely can have no success whatever. Time wasters.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  7. The best way is to get over a million people to march through the streets of London, surely no government could ignore that? Oh hang on didn't that bloke who had George W's hand up his arse totally ignore it?
    #10 Drinky, Dec 2, 2014
    Last edited: Dec 2, 2014
    • Funny Funny x 1
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  8. What the lawyer married to the barrister do you mean him?
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  9. Thats him, slimy bastard who stitched up this country then got himself a job as a fucking peace envoy in the Middle East! He's doing as good a job there as him and his cronies did here.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  10. Good point well made Drinky - couldn't have put it better myself...
    A PM who, incidentally, committed British forces to more wars than any PM since the end of WW2...
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