Dunno if anyone is interested.... I ordered some SDOC chain lube the other day from their site....its acutally cheaper than ebay from what I could see. When I completed the order it gave me the option to buy a new horn for 9 and a half quid which I did as I thought it was cheap and usually horn's on motorbike's are crap, usually at the front and made of cheap pig iron so I thought what the hell... About twice as loud as the old one (mind you the old one might have been knacked). Just thought id say as its usually something most people don't think about (me included). Theres also an adjustment screw which it says don't mess with but the blurb on the site said the horn was limited to a certain db for eu regs....which make me want to take a screwdriver to it... Anyway that's my good deed for the day... Oh yeah - for whatever reason they thought fit to package it in a half decent tin so that's now got some stainless allen key bolts in there now...