This photo is taken from a Cycle World article by Hunter S Thompson as an ode to the 900ss entitled, 'Song of the Sausage Creature'. Read it here: Song of the sausage creature
I was just about to ask how many people here recognised him. A bonkers but brilliant bloke and if you've never read a book, or not for years, get yourself a copy of Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas and try not to laugh. The opening sentence is one of the very best in the whole of English literature.
It was the photo I remembered straight away from the article that I read at the time. I've just re-read the quote on the poster and that was, in fact, how he had written into his will that he wanted his ashes dispersed, so on the appointed day a gathering of his friends met at his ranch and his ashes were fired from a cannon much to everyone's delight.
HST was a true shining light in modern journalism/writing. Its just that the light was many different colours
That is quite clearly the best bike review there has ever been. "My bike is so much faster than yours that I dare you to ride it, you lame little turd"
Quality. Never ridden a bike tripping, but I confess to have driven a car or two home amongst a parade of colourful chickens. MCN eat yer heart out. This is journalism.