Movember anybody?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by efcbluepete, Nov 1, 2012.

  1. Anybody on here growing a 'tache for the month (blokes or burds)?

    my fourth year (i think) of growing one, and definitely helps break the ice and gets people talking about bollocks n stuff.

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  2. Yeah started in mine ;-)
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  3. Yes but I have not decided what style to go for
  4. Goatee is quite nice :)
  5. I give to cancer charities (male and female) whenever I can, and sponsor friends that join in Movember. However I like to be clean shaven most of the year and only tend to grow a goatee or a soul beard during the Xmas holidays. And then it may just last a month or so before I get fed up of it. :smile:
  6. Just a days worth of stubble for now while I decide, like Mr C, what style to go for. Done the handlebar, spiv pencil and YMCA thing already.
  7. I love movember !!!!!!!!!!!!
    I don't mind a beard and tash .. Especially ones I can tug or wax :) and all for a good cause!
  8. You can tug mine !!! :biggrin: ( you'll need long arms tho' :eek: to reach over here to NZ)
  9. Handle bar is the go! I'm not doing it this year, I'm keeping my beard!

    I regularly do it and I've just ridden my bicycle for 250k for charity so it's someone else's turn :)
  10. Completely shaved my head, to the skin, to raise money for the Child Cancer Foundation a couple of years ago, made just over $1800.00 :upyeah:
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  11. Started mine yesterday, not sure if it will last beyond the next time the lovely Lady Budster visits :wink:
  12. Just tell her you'll shave, if she does ! :wink:
  13. I think mine's going to be like Wolverines :smile:
  14. im doing it with a group from work, day two today but not much growth yet......

    hoping to grow either a tom sellock/keith lemmon or

  15. Do you get extra money if you grow a Hitler one?
  16. I cant grow one. Alopecia :frown:
  17. Already got a beard and tache so can't really join in with this, but do support the guys at work who take part. And before anyone suggest I shave and start again, sorry no, Nicky says I look like Mr Potato Head without so its staying!
  18. Don't worry dude, there's plenty of blokes around who can't grow one and have no excuse!
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  19. is that style commonly called 'the diver'?
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