Movie quotes apologies if done before

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Baldyboy, Nov 20, 2013.

  1. Talking to some delegates today about fave film quotes, mine have to be either any war film with the German baddy saying 'vor you tommy zee vaw ist ova' and jim goose in mad max having just crashed his MFP z 900 when asked what was happening replies ' I don't know man I just got here myself'
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  2. crocodile Dundee
    that's not a knife that's a knife


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  3. "I haf cum to klene ze pool" - various german specialist films :wink:
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  4. "Once again, we meet at last"


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  5. Goose it's time to bust the tower :upyeah:
  6. illinois-nazis.jpg

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  7. feels good yah!
  8. If it bleeds we can kill it
  9. "Broadsword calling Danny Boy"
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  10. Bullshit Mr Han-man
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  11. "Phased Plasma Rifle in the 40 Watt range"

    "Hey Just what you see Pal"
  12. You'll have to excuse me, I'm having an old friend for dinner - Hannibal
  13. Corrected for you :upyeah:
  14. "Alas, how terrible is wisdom when it brings no profit to the wise Johnny...."

    Angel Heart, an all time favourite of mine.
  15. There is no spoon
  16. I'm MFWIC.

    MFWIC?? What the fuck is MFWIC???

    Mother fucker who is in charge !!!
  17. I feel the Need....
    The need for Speed :upyeah:
  18. Drop your weapon, you have 20 seconds to comply...
  19. "Assumption is the mother of all f**kups"

    I quote it frequently

    The one good line in a mediocre film (Under Siege 2)
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  20. A young ray Winston . Where's your tool? What tool? This feckin tool.
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