MP Wages

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Phartycr0c, May 21, 2013.

  1. I felt disposed.
  2. Whether it is just Daily Fail scaremongering or not, it should be highlighted that as we all continue to get pay freezes, so should those who claim to "lead by example".

    many are independently wealthy, but, the message needs to be consistent, or they will just look like the heads of the financial institutions who they lambast for their "reward for failure" culture.
  3. me too

    They are taking the piss again.
  4. Says the bloke who's bonus for a contract will deliver a panigale R :wink:

    Is the salary increase a result of less ability to claim the precious expenses? Clawback time?
  5. bonus...................ffs
  6. Full index linked pension for life ffs.... ;-)
  7. not for much longer.........
  8. stormount mla's ( local mp,s ) have gave themselves a 5k pay rise. grr. plus a percentage of any pay rise mp,s receive.
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