Msv Acquisition In Spain

Discussion in 'Trackdays & Rider Skills' started by Expat Jack, Oct 2, 2022.

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  1. Anyone ever been to Navarra? Any views, tips, advice etc? I assume more relaxed on noise as Spain...?
  2. Probably not if MSV are running it ;)

    Normally you can run a full GP bike, they don’t care
    • Agree Agree x 1
  3. As I’m stuck in today, I had a look on the internet to see what information is out there.
    MSV (UK) offered a car testing day (unsilenced) in March this year and the track calendar does seem very car orientated.
    The UK MSV trackday web site does not offer Navarra as an option.
    The web site appears to be the only site you can book an MSV track day.
    This,, is a list of bike track days up to (and including) November. You have to register to get any information. Other third party track day providers are on the list, NL is the only one I recognise. Andy
  4. Cheers - didn't mean to delegate research, but thank you! Having already had to cancel two trackdays this year (Mas du Clos and just now Le Mans) am looking for somewhere with a better chance of bike-friendly weather. NL are offering Navarra in September. My group being an 1199 and two RSV4s, it would be refreshing not to have to bother with baffles!

    Thanks again.

  5. My pleasure :D Andy
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    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  6. I've spoken to Mark at NL about Navarra, and a few of his customers that have been, they all speak really highly of the circuit layout but its a bit middle of nowhere and also at that time of year there are better options further south like Jerez, Estoril and Portimao .... its basically a testing circuit akin to Parcmotor, not a lot there bar the circuit ...
  7. Cheers Dibble. We're in Jersey, so will boat and then drive there. Unfortunately Jerez etc a little beyond our reach!
  8. Thought you jersey boys just went everywhere by helicopter and had JHP shine and ship your bikes ? ;-)
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  9. Not in our case unfortunately : )

    • Funny Funny x 1
  10. although the Farside boys and girls really enjoyed ParcMotor didn’t they?
  11. I’ve not heard good things about navara from a bike point of view. Apparently the bsb guys didn’t like it much either when they went there testing.

    It’s a car focused track for sure, turn 1 and 2 are not very bike friendly. Really wouldn’t fancy coming off there. Basically turn 1 is flat sticks and then you’ve got to slow the bike down from the top of the box whilst banked over… not ideal
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