MTS1200 DIY black shorty / sport screens

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by AndyW, Mar 21, 2012.

  1. Rather than go way off topic elsewhere decided to post from scratch here....

    Little or no buffeting, smooth airflow but as is probably obvious little 'shelter' from such a small screen......feels like a sports bike but you look silly trying to get down behind it! lol
    I lift it about an inch to cruise on the motorway at 80ish but for planned long journeys I swap it for a PUIG screen (and I'll admit....for bike meets across the country the shorty gets packed in my luggage for when I reach my destination.......and the pillion pegs/pannier lugs come off :-O )

    Multistrada 1200 DIY Shorty Black Sports Screen / Windshield
    Just my taste (I'm a fussy bugger) but I abandoned a CalSci shorty screen that I went for originally as I didn't like the 'fit' - as per most of the after market screens there's no 'dimples'/recesses for the fixing screws so the screen sits more proud of the bike than the Ducati screens (PUIG is the only manufacturer that does the same as Ducati as far as I've seen to date...but no shorty :-( ) and the fittings sit rather proud of the screen.

    FTB I've gone the DIY route ('Mr Sweden' was the first to go DIY I think?) - 'how to' article to come (one day!).....twice in fact, MKI to the left, MKII right:


    I cut the screen down with a 'jigsaw', sandpapered (various grades) the edge and then polished it for a smooth finish before the paint. I'll do a detailed 'how to' sometime!
    ....cut down OE screen painted black on the inside. 'Painted' but not by and rattle cans just don't get on! Had a local auto paint shop do it, one for a better finish and two for the right paints. They 'keyed' the inside of the screen (rubbed over with a fine wire wool) which of course makes it go opaque but that's sorted by the application of a clear plastic primer paint (specific primer for plastics) before a coat of black paint....I chose to have a satin (semi gloss) finish.




    I used the top of the CalSci screen as a template but you could use a string from the bottom tip of the screen marked at 370mm to mark an 'arc' across the screen;-)

    More photos: AndyW-inuk's Photos

    And an alternative take on a DIY cut down screen by Jp (nice bike photos a page or two bacl;-) inc drawings for dimmensions he used and he's even designed a 'decal' that he's had cut...
    Motorcycle Info Pages - Featured MTS1200's > JP's MTS1200

    More on my bike (in course....the pages and the bike!)
    Motorcycle Info Pages - 'How to' & FAQs > Andy's Custom MTS1200 bits! P1
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  2. Perfect thanks Andy. i will try it when i get a chance.
  3. You're welcome :biggrin: Looks great and for most of my riding is better than the stock screen.....more wind (obviously) but smoother flowing and pretty much no 'buffeting'. I have a PUIG screen for long hauls and pop the shorty in the luggage to be swapped back at my destination! :eek:
  4. Touring screens

    I like the idea of fitting a touring screen for long trips and taking a shorty in my luggage (not sure how Felicity Kendal would feel about it though). Does anyone have any experience of using the stock Ducati touring screen?
  5. Yes I do, it was rubbish, I cut it down and sprayed the inside black and use it as a shorty screen.
  6. Good tips. Never thought of doing that - and i've got a spare that came as part of the bike deal. Hmm..time to get the sandpaper out methinks.
  7. Thanks. Do you use the standard Ducati screen by any chance? I'm bought the Multi primarily for long-distance trips and was looking forward to getting some wind protection after six years of functioning as a bloody great sail at anything over 90mph on my Speed Triple.
  8. Is the screen you say is rubbish the same one that's fitted to the Gran Turismo?
  9. Can you recommend the Puig touring screen for long distances?
  10. That's the one I'm using in conjunction with Aztec spacers and the side screen thingies as well. Seems to be OK.
  11. What side screen thingies are you using? Who supplied them? Thanks
  12. No. I posted the link to the thread. Read it. The info you need is in there.
  13. The word These isn't a link I'm afraid cans no link appears in the thread on my screen. Admittedly I'm using an iPhone though. Maybe a gremlin?

    Could you post again please?
  14. Does anybody know the size of screw needed for the 2013 screen fittings? M6? M4?
  15. Search for Eagle Screens, Australia on Google. THey make them.
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