I only spotted this late this afternoon, no indication as to what's happened as far as I got investigating. That domain for sale message infers the domain name registration has expired but that's one thing I have checked as ok so far, paid up for well into 2015. Should have an answer tomorrow morning when I can make some phone calls. I'm hoping it's not worst case scenario (see here)......have I let that slide too long, I hope not but I have a feeling I may have cocked up big time!
Who hosts the site Andy? And that web platform - is it still the old one referred to in your post last year?
The original hosting company traded as Terapad.com but the current hosting company is HTLonline - yes still on the original proprietary platform as I never got to grips with any means of transfer and whilst a couple of guys did look at solutions for me that never came to anything either. I'd always used good old fashioned HTML in the past but I started on my site when I was laid up after a bike crash....at the time only able to use a borrowed laptop laid in bed so the online editing facility seemed like a good idea :-( I hope HTL haven't shut the servers down but I have a horrible feeling that that is what's happened - fingers crossed that I can sort something out with HTL tomorrow.
That's pretty bad, all the domains I have go from expire to "held" before they are allowed to go for sale. Sounds like it may be the hosting gone then? Happy to help if I can, I have unlimited bandwidth and space on my hosting account (bonus for beta testing for the hosting company years back) and could always host a domain for you - may be worth migrating to something like Concrete5, Media Wiki or Joomla (which does have an offline editor available too) and are pretty easy to edit content on not to mention search keywords and the like. I am by no means an expert, I am more of a techy than the creative side of things, but like said happy to help.
Hi Chris and thanks for the kind offer........assuming I can get hold of all the content that could be an option, however the only means of backup was through HTTrack (or similar software for uploading whole websites) and I've not run that for a while (yes it's all getting worse.....what an arse! [me!]) Looked at migration to another platform, Wordpress seemed favourite but there was no 'automated' means of migration i.e. no other platform had the capability to import content direct from the platform running on Terapad. With content of around 500 pages and a relatively complex file directory system to recreate manual transfer wasn't/isn't really an option. One guy who stepped in to help thought he might be able to write some form of script that would handle the job but that didn't come to fruition. I'm mad with myself that I've let it come to this......every so often over the last few months I've completed tasks such as sorting all broken links, deleted a load of the older less relevant content and been generally tidying up with a view to doing something about moving the site but.....well lets just say I'm easily distracted!!
It happens mate, life has a habit of getting in the way of your plans Sounds like it may turn into a "copy and paste" job - just reading up on Tetrapad and the thing is proprietary..yuck!
Since no one else has said it... Andy, you knob !! I hope you get it sorted mate. i looked at the site yesterday and it was fine, so this has only just happened. Did the web host not provide any backups ? I would be on the blower to them first, to see what they have to say.
John hands up, no decent excuses...............yes I an now officially without any doubt deserving of the knob title Seriously though I'm gutted. I have a backup via uploading the site through the HTTrack software.....unfortunately several months old!.....yeah I know.....knob!! There will have been server side backups but never made available to 'customers' I have spoken to HTL who took over the hosting and emailed them earlier.....
Similar thing happened to the NSW BMW Touring Club Website in Australia recently.....doesn't look like that was ever resolved.
Andy, several months old is better than nothing. Why not slap that up for now, and then hope you can get a later version. I would suggest setting up FTP access with your new host. At the very least you can then take an FTP download snapshot. It's great having the more integrated approaches, but sometimes the simplest options work the best at getting a site back to a given point in time. Good luck mate, sounds like you have some very knowledgable people already looking to help, so fingers crossed.
....and there's archive.org although seems hit and miss as to what does get archived. Hopefully HTL have not binned my content! Phoned HTL again and chased up my email to them, will be Monday before they can let me know what can be done. Said they couldn't (I took that as wouldn't!) give me an IP address to get things up and running whilst we discuss a permanent solution :-( Kinda make HTL sound like 'local heroes'..........until after a bit of delving you find that the MD (owner) of HTL, one Justin Dean, was the MD (owner) of Sitejourney and so Terapad!!! Thanks Tony......I'm working on a temporary solution right now and should have a temporary version of the site available very soon now. Thanks for the support everyone
The Ducati Multistrada 1200 - MTS1200.info redirect redirect page updated New redirect page created for the Ducati Multistrada 1200 - MTS1200.info redirect url which should be active any time now. ....direct to MTS1200 resources main page Motorcycle Info Pages - Home ....for the Motorcycle Info Pages home page As I said before the backup I had was not recent.......in fact older than I thought but at least all the 'core' content is now available again. Cross your fingers for me that HTL have some good news on Monday ;-)
Funny haha Some times when it rains it pours!.............now the fcuking www.MTS1200.info domain or webspace has died!! Different registrar and hosting company altogether (GoDaddy) ......waiting on response to support ticket with them now.
lol......I'll sort something out one way or another ;-) ............or post you some www.andyw-is-a-knob.com stickers to replace them