Early/middle of last year there was a discussion on the Ducatisti forum about the lack of hazard flashers on the MTS12....really odd that there is no such function on the bike (imho).....I'm surprised the EU allow it! Someone posted the following.... As nothing's happened I contact a couple of Dealers to ask if they knew anything of this, same response from both (after referring to DUK)...Ducati knows nothing of this. Personally apart from the absence being strange I feel it's a potential safety issue (for example broken down at the side of some rural road at night in the pi**ing rain!). What's your opinions? If lots of owners start asking the question Ducati may feel the need to do something about this. I sent a message via Ducati.com... ...the following day I had a phone call from Ducati Customer Support in Italy......blah blah blah, not aware of any plans to do anything about updating the MTS12 with hazard warning....your concerns/comments passed on. *** contact Ducati ***
You are joking right? You breakdown on a bike you push it off the road. Most hazard lights in UK are used to signal "I am stopping here for short time, I know it is on single yellow on a bend but I need my snickers please do not give me a ticket BRB".
As I have spent my working life dodging crap driving at the side of the road I believe I have a valid input into this scenario. My view would be that if a driver cannot see, recognise and avoid a stationary, parked in a fend off ( 30 degree angle across the lane of the carriageway ) fully liveried and battenburged Police Volvo V70 T5 with every light known to mankind illuminated, plus cones spread back over 75m, plus advance warning signs placed at 100 and 50m, then the chances of them recognising a stationary solo motorcycle with hazards on is about zilch. Just my 2p you understand......
Reliance on others seeing you to move away leaving you in a safe position is a recipe for disaster. You have to ensure that you are in a safe position - not rely on some myopic octogenarian realising the significance of two flashing amber lamps. As has been mentioned earlier by Lucas - they are so misused now that the impact of hazards is marginal at best. Anyway, you asked for opinions and that's what you got.....sorry if you don't like them.
I can see where you are coming from Andy, yes I think maybe it is a thing they should provide in the future, but I cannot say the absence of them is a concern for me really. If I was in a static position in a place of danger that i would need hazards then I wouldnt be sitting on the bike relying on them, I would be out of there!!
Absolutely Stevie!........but the hazards may protect the bike from being hit and so of course prevent another road user being involved in an accident ;-) Rushjob.....on the contrary, I'm happy that you and Lucazade have expressed your views and for the most part agree with everything said ;-) ......but it's my personal oppinion that there's still value in the proper and appropriate use of hazard warning lights and that in some situations the use thereof may prevent an accident Highway code: :biggrin:
You do make some valid comments Andy, if there was a choice, then yes I would have them, I suppose really they should be on the bike as standard to be fair, I am trying to think when I last used hazards and that was in Germany on a shitty wet night where we came up on a traffic jam, so we used them to let cars behind, that we had just overtaken, see that we were slowing for an obstacle, and then for filtering through the traffic, which displeased a lot of germans! So yes, l will be behind your campaign!!
:smile: ...........I think Ducati ought to be able to sort current bikes for little or no expense, with the CANbus system I would have thought something could be done purely via new software?
Perhaps you could ask Ducati to fit a crash cushion into the top box too! Sorry but the lack of hazards does not make the bike inherently unsafe as per your poll and I think you're working too hard to justify your standpoint. The addition of them may be desirable to you, if so, simply retrofit them to your bike. I reckon about an hour should sort it, one DPST switch, one flasher relay, one fuse holder and about 1 metre of cable and Bob's your Mum's brother.
"Is the lack of hazard flashers a POTENTIAL safety issue?" I've made no mention of the bike being unsafe, I think the title and OP is pretty self explanatory........... ???!!.............just responding to your comments in relation to your own stand point which has been made more than clear ;-)
Yes, motorbikes should have them. I might even use them whem filtering through jams on the Mway as anything to catch the lane swervers attention is no bad thing (though I think my MIVV exhaust is a major help).
Whether they are justified or not, I'm staying out of the 'debate'.....but for those that want them, it is easy enough to wire up all four indicators to flash at the same time..........however, having seen the 'size' of the Ducati (and most other bike) batteries; there's a good chance you won't be starting the bike easily after a short period with the hazards on. AL
I once ran out of petrol on a pitch dark French Autoroute on a bike with no hazard flashers. Let me tell you, having those huge French camions barrel past you at 80mph having only seen you in the last 100m or when their headlights pick you out was EXTREMELY unnerving. So yes, I'd DEFINITELY like to see hazards on my MTS. Also, because of the can-bus system on the Duc, I wouldn't like to rig up my own 4-way flashers for fear of sending some current the wrong way into that system!
it must be pretty simple to have hazard lights so why not have them? hazard flashers are like insurance, when u need it, you really really need it!
It is normal practice in many European countries, INCLUDING ITALY, to use your hazard warnings when you encounter the tail end of a motorway jam. This gives following drivers an indication that your brake light means that you are stopping not slowing. That alone should qualify as a significant safety issue. The fact that hazard warnings are an absolutely standard fitment on all cars and most motorcycles is also a good reason to complain. Given some of the daft interference of the Eurocrats in every other aspect of motorcycling, I am surprised that it isn't a legal requirement. The chances of Ducati offering a retro fit, even if they adopt it for new models is just about zero (remember the centre stand issue?) so this thread is probably a waste of time for existing owners.
You found us here at last then ............you're most likely right re any chance of a retrofit fix but can you vote anyway;-) And.... http://ducatiforum.co.uk/f6/your-profile-add-you-bike-details-now-;-510/ ...and... http://ducatiforum.co.uk/groups/mts1200-owners-south-se-sw.htm
The use of hazards when filtering is a nice idea, who knows, doing so might have saved me from my crash and the near loss of my leg (although I wouldn't have an MTS12 now......compensation money;-). I suspect that it may prove another excuse for the Police to pull you in this country though? :-( I have been in the habit of hitting the hazards as I approach motorway stoppages for years
Have a look at the same thread on the ducati.ms forum.........bit of a heated mass debate got going for a while More votes please ;-)