I am fitting the Termi full system that came with my bike. So far I have fitted the race ECU and removed the stock exhaust. Before fitting the Termi I'd like to remove the now redundant exhaust valve cable but the stepper motor is buried in the bowels of the bike. How on earth do I get at it to remove the cable? There must be a easy way as these cable must seize up often but I haven't found it yet. Any clues anybody?
It's possible without taking the servo off.....just. It's fiddly more than anything. The outer cable is clipped into the servo body. Use a long thin driver to pop it out. Use a thin driver again or some wire to hook the inner out of the pulley. Sounds easy, and it is tbh, just awkward.
That thing is a right bugger to get to! I think they must fit it on the inside of the frame before anything else on the production line! However it is possible, but i guarantee you may shout out a few choice words!! It has a cover around it which you need to take off 1st,think i had to remove the rectifier to gain acces to.The screws are hard to get to, i used a long extension and came from the other side of the bike, one screw is a real pain, and it has loctite on it! The motor is then held on with rubber grometts, after you have taken the bolts out, you can sought of wiggle and man handle it out and disconnect it, but it aint easy! Intrestingly enough i had to go through this process when i fitted my QD exhaust sytem because the cable fell off the stepper motor end on its own. So it may be worth your while just to start wiggling the cable and try and get it off the motor,the motor end has a bicycle style nipple on it which locates in the stepper motor wheel, if that makes sense. If its just the cable you want out of the way. The Termi ECU will have de activated the stepper motor operation i think anyway..? Hope this helps... Good Luck!!
Thanks for the info Boomer. Yes, I just want to get the cable out of the way for tidiness. Looks like I will have an interesting day tomorrow :-(
Well I got it off. The only real way was to remove the voltage regulator and pivot the rear subframe upwards on the upper bolts to create enough space to slip the motor out. Not as big a job as it sounds but still a fair few bits to undo. Ducati seem to making the screws from cheese. Both the regulator bolts rounded out and I had to drill the heads off them and one of the subframe bolts threatened to do the same but I got it loose by hammering in a 1/4" hex bit. I will replace that one. Boy, that Termi system is LOUD. I think the baffle will be staying in. :smile: