Mts1200 tail pack and fixing plate

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by Big stu, Jul 22, 2012.

  1. Hi I'm fancying a tail pack and a fixing plate can anyone recommend one or has one fitted photos would be nice and names

    Ps any one got any for sale pm me thanks big stu
  2. Guess you dont want a top box ? looked at the oxford stuff ?
  3. Not sure what to get yet will see whats about thanks .it may be a tail gunner if nothing else takes my fancy
  4. I like the tail gunner but jot the price so I think I'll make one at work with Andy w diagram that should do me till I find some other types ImageUploadedByTapatalk1343413773.432168.jpg

  5. Tailgunner kit (case/plate) works very well and easily mounted or taken off, got one 2 month ago.
  6. I really recommend the tailgunner, its not a big old man top box and is great for locking the sat nav, camera and stuff in for when you are off the bike. The tailgunner comes with the tail plate so when you think you are likley to pay £80 to £100 for a plate only plus £70 on a tail pack its not such bad value.
  7. I have just sent them an email, when you convert the price to 'british pounds' on their website the price jumps to £595 I know we get ripped off in the UK but thats just taking the pi55, in euros its 296 .......
  8. Made one at last plate and magnetic bag job done

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