SO the sun came out today for the first time this year . time to get on the bike for the first ride of 2018. bike has been stood for about 6 weeks on trickle charge. I got all the winter gear on, moved the van off the driveway and eventually got to the bike. flicked the starter button nothing, no sign of life, nothing no display, nothing , dead tried again - nothing. checked all the fuses I could find - nothing the oxford heated grips work, the battery is showing as being good from the ctec indicator. I tried the bypass button with code in case the keyfob had died - nothing has anyone any ideas what it could be, meanwhile, I will hunt down my dvm and check the battery voltage
Insufficient info. Do you hear the pump prime on turning the key? Do you hear any relays click? Is the display never there or does it disappear when pressing the starter? Lastly, could it be the kill switch
Put my money on a dead battery despite what the CTek says and the Oxford grips don’t need 12 volts to deliver heat. Andy
there is absolutely no life at all. nothing , no lights , no relay clicks, nothing, no life at all. if the kill switch if duff, would that affect the bypass button?
13.6v would seem pretty healthy. Is the kill switch in the correct position is what I was wondering, silly as it might sound. Is the bike in neutral? Try wiggling the fuses in the holder and try loosening the battery terminals, wiggling them and retightening.
guys I don't get anything, no display or anything. even with the bypass button with pin code which doesn't rely on the antenna etc
I think there was a post like this a while ago, where even the bypass wasn’t working and am sure it was to do with the antenna somehow. Have you tried putting your key right next to it and then turning on? May be worth a search and trawl through old threads in the multistrada sub forum
Since it doesn't turn on even when pressing the button at the front of the tank it will most likely have nothing to do with the keyfob, its battery or its antenna but more likely the Handsfree unit, the supply to it, which should be permanently live from the battery, or the hands free relay. He should check the 30A fuse at the starter solenoid. If that is blown or making a poor connection the bike will be dead and won't respond to the keyfob or the emergency button. It the fuse is ok and there is power to the rear fuses then the next thing I would check is the handsfree relay. It is the forward of the three at the LH side behind the fairing in front of the the forward fuse box. Swapping it with one of the others (main beam and low beam) should prove whether it is the relay or not. If none of that shows anything then it could well be the handsfree unit that is faulty.
The problem was a dead fob battery as we could get the bike started through the code .... but don’t tell Carole . Andy
I did check the fuse visually and it appears to be ok - no break or sign of burning - I will check with a DVM. I will also check the relays. could one of you do me a favour and check to see if the bypass button works even when the kill switch is on please? thanks for the ideas guys
As said, an intact fuse is not necessarily transmitting current. Make sure the fuses are dead flat flat and not twisted and pull them out and push back in several times as even light oxidation can cause problems.
The bypass button will work when the kill switch is in the ON position i.e slid up dow. It will not work when the button is in the OFF position i.e. slid down over the starter button.
ok so yes this looks favorite. thank you Derek I will look friday at the kill switch.. the last thing I did was wash the bike then ride up drive into my garage so probably water in the switch maybe