V4 Muffs

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by Mr_V4PP, Nov 9, 2023.

  1. Hello everyone.

    I want to wear a V4 mitten for a winter trip that I have in mind. I usually use heated gloves, but due to the hours and days I will spend fighting the elements, I thought better of a muffs.

    I've seen the Givi's that a colleague has built, but I don't really like how they fit.

    I have seen the specific ones from Wunderlich for V4. They are expensive, but if they really fit well and are functional, I don't mind paying a little more.

    More than 20 years ago I bought some Wunderlich products for my Bmws and they make high-quality things, and they give me confidence, but I would like to know if anyone on the forum has installed them and how they look and work.


    Thank you very much for your help.
  2. It would have to be about minus 20 for me to fit those awful things to my bike.
  3. They do work well though. Used to use them in the winter when I was dispatch riding back in the '80's and all year commuting in the '90s. Tried to dig out an old pair from the shed in the '00s to find that mice had used them for a nest...
  4. Likewise, I was a despatch rider for nine years. In harsh winter riding muffs really we’re the best thing available. I used to wear summer gloves and with muffs and heated grips the hands never suffered. Many guys used to use home made ones but I used some cheap ones secured to the bar-end with a reinforcing bar to hold the muffs from pushing on the levers at speed.
  5. I thought this was going to be a diving thread!
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  6. Hung up in my garage is a pair of Tucanos that were originally fitted to my last four GSs, 2 x 800, 1200 &1250, I’m hoping to spend some time in the garage tomorrow so I will get them down and see if they fit, if they do I might use them.
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