Mugello, here I come!!

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by steviegasgas, Jul 12, 2012.

  1. Wahey, heading off to Mugello to see the GP, anyone else going?
    Cant wait, will Ducati pull something out o the bag for this race?
  2. Great. Thats the one to go to. How you getting there? Trains, planes or automobiles?
  3. Flew out yesterday to Pisa. Watched practice today , hot and windy weather. Qualifying tmrw, looks an awesome circuit to ride, I wonder if they have track days here? Raceday should be awesome. 4 nights in hotel, with return flights and brand new VW polo hire car for £311, not bad methinks!! And I get the tan for free!
  4. Wheres the hotel, Florence?

    A few years ago i was there in a car, left Florence at 7 am and had turned of the motorway by twenty past. Plenty early of course. Wrong !!!
    In a car it took over four hours to do the 12-14 miles, cant remember now, up to the circuit and only just made the first race.
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