Mugello MotoGP

Discussion in 'Touring' started by Haydn, Dec 22, 2012.

  1. We are currently planning a trip to mugello for the 2013 GP. I'm just after some advice from anyone who has been before. Currently the plan is to stay in Florence, the women are flying out and the lads (2 of us) are riding out. We're not too fussed about the race day traffic as we will going on the bikes. We did misano this year and really enjoyed it but we didn't take the bikes. So any hotel and riding route advice/experiences would be really appreciated.

  2. The roads are narrow enough for about 12 miles from the circuit out to the Autostrada that even bikes have a real issue averaging much above walking pace.
  3. Allow 4 hours to get back from the circuit, even on a bike. It is manic.

    Poggio Secco is a good stand and it's usually next to where all the Rossi fans hang out.
  4. Get a bus from Florence to the track, they get around quicker and you can have a beer!
  5. I'd go with Figaro's plan.

    As i said before the ride in and out is horrible on the country roads and once onto the Autostrada its only 15 minutes to Florence dead straight line so no fun on the bike there either.
    You could ride the bikes up to scarperia etc the day before when it manageable and soak up the bike atmosphere.
  6. I think we stayed at a Travelodge or something similar, and there was a bus stop right outside, we were at the circuit within half an hour. Coming back we decided to take a taxi cos we thought it would be quicker - took nearly 2 hours. Not that we were worried, we were rat-arsed by then...
  7. How was it? I bet the atmos changed when Rossi came off :eek:
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