Multi 1200 DES Preload Error - Good news story

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by Chris916multi, Oct 15, 2013.

  1. I've had an DES preload error on my Multi for a few months now but after reading on the site about a £800 + bill if the electronic unit needs replacing together with my bike being out of warranty I been saving up before taking it in to Ducati to get checked out.

    My worst fears materialized as the Ducati Mechanic told me it was the electronic suspension unit & the only way of fixing it was to replace it at a cost of over £900 fitted.:frown:

    Now to be honest I was a little annoyed as although my bike is out of warranty it's only done less than 8000 miles.:mad:

    However, before I got to vent my disappointment the mechanic told me that he had contacted Ducati and they agreed to as a good will gesture to supply the part free which just left me the £60 fitting fee.:biggrin:

    THANK YOU DUCATI & M&S Motorcycles, West Gate Rd, Newcastle.

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  2. Very happy for you. Well done to Ducati and M&S Motorcycles.
    an early Christmas present !!!!!!!!!!!! Only 71 more sleeps.
  3. The shop could have saved Ducati £650, if they had fitted the Mechatronic system (semi-active) from Ohlins and you'd have a better set up. It takes about 10 minutes to fit the new SCU, so at £360/hr I'd have done it for, say £180.
  4. How far out of warranty was you bike? These things should last longer than just the warranty period imho. It can't be wear and tear so seems to me that the unit just failed far too early in its life.
  5. My bike is a 2010 model so its getting no now but it has done less that 8000 miles :smile:
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