1200 DVT Multi 1200s Touring

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by Broduc64, May 15, 2019.

  1. Help ,
    Out for 1st ride since winter ( I know, but been busy)
    Was on trickle charger all winter, started ok but won't pull over 6k revs in sport mode less in touring mode. Rides ok upto 6k then nowt.
    Any ideas!?!?
  2. Exhaust Servo valve is stuck closed.

    Remove rear can cover (3 bolts)

    Remove rear can (1 bolt on a clamp) and mounting bolt (I think)

    You can then see the valve on the pipe at the end of the cat... clean it and the linkage and lubricate it..

    Some will say remove the flap.. there are plenty of threads on here and the internet.

    probably less than an hour and back to normal again.
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  3. Yep, i agree, almost certainly the exhaust flap stuck.
  4. Cheers guys, out at mo, will try later.
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  5. Yep, it was stuck solid, which kind of spoiled todays ride out.
    Going through above thread to remove completely.

    Thanks once again.
  6. Drilled heads off screws and removed flap valve, left spindle and cable attached.
    No error codes,and runs brilliantly, (compared to yesterday).

    Cheers guys.
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