Multi fuel burner

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Ballbagracer, Dec 30, 2013.

  1. So...had a multi fuel burner installed before christmas and am struggling to keep it going!! want to keep it smoldering over night as well but no joy there [​IMG] the guy did say it would take a little while to learn how to work it properly? any of you on here have one? if so any tips and advice would be great [​IMG]
  2. dont clean out to often, the ashes keep it hot. and slow burning.
  3. You should have air/draw adjustment at the back ,you need to turn this down on an evening before you go to bed , make sure you've stocked up with coal ,give the griddle a shake as you need some air getting under the coal bed or it'll go out . Then make sure the front door is closed or door vents only ever so slightly letting air in under fuel bed. With trial and error you will get it, sometimes the same make of fuel can burn different from bag to bag depending on how wet its been packed. I used to fit multi fuel stoves till the latest load of regulations came in , then I stopped as it wasn't cost effective to register for the amount of business I had.
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  4. not sure the proper term but we burn eggs in ours, plus logs, shoes, dead cats etc. iv two in my home,one in the sunroom and one in the livingroom, one is linked via a s/s boiler direct to my h/w cylinder which complete with four zone oil heating = a snug cheap to heat home. lovely.
  5. In the days when I had a multifuel stove I would burn a proportion of peat which kept in great overnight, as well as smelling wonderful.
  6. :eek:
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  7. Thank you gents and genteses
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