the one on the A5…..
as i understand it one of the collisions was 6 bikes……….first two overtake a car turning right crash bang, 3rd one misses the car turning right but hits a car coming the other way….doh, the next 3 react and go over bars crash bang or drop the bike ending up in a pile...
One reason I really do not like riding in a group. Some people like it, I do not. One or two ok, more is not for me.
It maybe a generalisation, but they were all or mainly 600s, this maybe indicative of the type of riding and skill levels that could be expected. Poor obs has to be the main factor together with not being able to stop in the distance you can see. There's nothing wrong with group riding as long as everyone rides for themselves. I don't know who wrote this but I read it recently Yup. It's butterfly season again <sigh>. They come out with the sun, dress in brightly coloured plumage, flitter around in random directions and often end up splattered on car windscreens. Ride safe
i like that last paragraph….. but i disagree with the 600 theory…….or smaller bike relating to skill level i would include the majority of bikes on the road….
Don't want to start a whole skills level debate, but over taking approaching a junction (assuming the car turning right was at a junc') is bad. bad, bad...
I commute fairly regularly and when the sun comes out so do people who filter at speed, past junctions, across fronts of cars etc etc Quite scary really There is one particular road from Sticker Lane to Idle that is lethal - it has openings all over the place and the entrance to a main bradford mosque - I literally crawl along that road - every spring I see at least two or three accidents involving bikes on just that stretch Crazy Ride safe
When I was younger I think my riding/driving skills were not particularly good.Whether on my scooter or sports car/old banger I was reckless.I think I am lucky to be here now.I now drive/ride just like an old fart.That's all right then.
What happened here is exactly what I expect when riding in groups, which is why I rarely do it..........I also rarely ride in 'twos'..........I need to keep a eye on everything else around that could cause me a problem, let alone what some other biker might be doing, whether he / she might be perfectly sensible.
I ride with my mates occasionally, but generally alone. We dont race each other and we always look out for each other and dont take chances. I trust them. I wouldnt lend the bastards my bike for a quick go mind, but I trust the feckers not to do anything silly. At the weekend I had some fun and games with a couple of dukes. I just wanted to be on my way and they held me up a bit and seemed to want to race. I dont race on the road fellas. Just let me by. I'm quicker than you. Otherwise I wouldn't have caught you up. Neither will i do an outrageous overtake to get by. Just let me be on my way please.
You have a very posh Helimed in Northamptonshire Andy,not your normal EC 135. I do hope that they pull through OK.
The 600 thing is a distraction. Sounds like: The key reason is overtaking on a turn. Absolute no no. Then fixation took over. Was out at weekend, quickest ride of the year so far, mate loves a bit of dodgy overtakes...couple of times turned my head away and dived into traffic. Then caught him up when clearer. His life not mine. And passed him and cleared off when I could.. But am sure we've all been there, keep up or feel like a plum
The one thing I do not do is dodgy overtakes. Some people might find me unduly cautious, but I always have a plan B. If there is no plan B, there is no overtake, so I don't overtake when there is oncoming traffic, even if there is room. I'm not in that much of a hurry. I only take the bike out for fun. I'm not worried about people I might be with clearing off. I'll either catch them up later, or they'll stop for something, or me.
If someone catches me up, I move over and let them pass. The 2 separate dukes did not when I caught them up. Thus I had to sit patiently behind waiting for an opportunity. Look fellows. Please just move over when a quicker rider catches you up. It doesnt mean they want a race.
I was back and forthing with an S1000RR on Sunday, till he got bored and fecked off. Didn't realise my bike had a warp factor 9 reverse ...
Good comment from Bootsam - I am not the fastest rider around and if I see someone catching me up I ease off and try to make it easy for them to pass. These days I try to keep the speed down a bit and attempt to get a reasonably smooth flow around the bends but I often find myself stuck behind people who accelerate hard on the straights and then hammer on the brakes for bends. Have to admit I am never sure how best to deal with this as the last thing I want to do is overtake and encourage some sort of race but I find it a bit frustrating. I guess the mature thing to do would be to pull over for a couple of minutes but it sort of spoils the flow of a ride.
i can get carried away like every body else. but seeing as i have no mates competition is only with my self. if i am not familiar with the road. i ride like pensioner. to many tourists staring at the sea, mountains or next coffee shop.
Lots of sensible comments above.If I see a biker coming up fast behind me I will pull over and wave them on.I have no wish to race anyone on the road.I just want to enjoy,possibly with another rider,the ride,countryside,and getting home in one piece with a happy smile on my face.