1200 Multistrada 1200 Pannier Clips

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by Xanadu, Feb 3, 2019.

  1. hi all,wanted to know if anyone had put extra clips on the panniers on their 2010 multistrada 1200 to stop the water getting in.and where to get them from.cheers
  2. I presume you are talking about the first generation panniers that leaked? If so the whole design of the seal changed. Not just the clips that hold it in. If so then there is no answer which is why they did the newer version
  3. As peter says the rubber seals were also modified to be a bit deeper.
    On my cases I pulled the seal out and put some 3mm (might have been 5mm) draft excluder in the slot to push the seal out more until the new ones arrived.
    Changing the seal only is not enough as it only partly solves the issue. This is because if you cram too much stuff in your panniers it pushes the lids out so the seal cant do its job.
    Only way to address that is with the clips.

    If your panniers do not have the front and rear clips then you should be able to buy these from the dealer.
    They were added in the 1st year as a free dealer fit. Very easy to fit, they come with everything you need except a drill and screwdriver.
    You need to specify if this is for the standard or large lids, because the fittings on the lids are different.
    • Useful Useful x 1
  4. standard: 69912021A
    large: 69912031A
    • Useful Useful x 1
  5. Snells gave me their remaining stock of 1st gen pannier clips. I don't think there were any rubber seals included but there are some clips and hinge pins. You are very welcome to them for the price of P&P. Send me a PM if you are interested.
    • Useful Useful x 1
  6. Hi all thanks for the replies,yes it’s the front and rear clips I’m after for the first gen panniers.how do I know if they are standard or large lids?.new to the world of multistradas only just purchased 2 weeks ago.praying for the Snow to go.
    #6 Xanadu, Feb 4, 2019
    Last edited: Feb 4, 2019
  7. Pannier liners are the solution. A couple of years back in some massive heavy rain the panniers leaked but the liners did their job of keeping clothes dry.
  8. trust me, you will know if you have the large lids, the panniers stick out a long way :blush:
    If you do a web search most of the pictures will be for standard panniers. If your still not sure post a picture of yours, its easy to tell from a picture.
    Look at the width of the painted part on the top of the pannier. Also compare the total width of the panniers on the bike to bar width. Standard panniers are about bar width, big ones aren't, they stick out more.
  9. Pannier liners are a good suggestion, and we use them for short trips for convenience. For longer trips though we dont bother, because they waste a fair bit of space, and my missus needs every spare mm :rolleyes::)
  10. Hi all managed to get my hands on 3 clips.does anyone out there have a spare one knocking about that I could buy from them.also after some pictures or instructions on how to fit them.thanks all
  11. I probably have the instructions at home, I will see if I can find them tonight.
    the bits you need are the clamp itself, the catch that goes on the pannier back, 2 screws for each, and a couple of plastic bits that goes inside the cases for the screws to screw into.

    For the seals, just pull them out and stick some foam draft excluder in the bottom of the slot, then put the rubber back.
  12. Hi the 3clips that I managed to get due to the generous nature of a fellow member.the clip that I’m missing is a rear anyone got a spare knocking about willing to pay also need instructions for fitting.thanks all
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