Multistrada 1200s Possibly the best bike in the world

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by Shuttlefish, Dec 24, 2012.

  1. I have just had my bike back from the menders after a little bump in Manchester a month ago. Took it out on semi wet roads around Devon yesterday and am still buzzing from the ride. It is insane... and brilliant... it rides so well on all roads and just shrugs its shoulders at pot holes, gravel and puddles... open it it up and it becomes a super-bike and builds speed like you wouldn't believe... I love it!! just thought i would share that :) Looking forward to some dry tarmac
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  2. Me too, even with the few grumbles, the very best bike I've ever owned...and there's been a few other, as I've been a bit of a bike slag over the years.
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  3. No argument. I've said it before and I'll say it again; if every bike I've ever owned since 1977 were rolled into a ball to make one bike, the Mutley would still stride (wheelie :) over that ball like a giant.

    A fast, comfortable, Superbike without peer.
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  4. Just too tall for me and all the other oompah loompahs on here :frown:
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  5. possibly? come on, you know it is :smile:
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  6. It is tall, granted, it can feel quite intimidating straddling the monstrous thing, it does feel like you need a step ladder to get on it, but once you let that clutch out all fear of chucking the pride and joy on the floor evaporates and it becomes more light and nimble than any bike I have ever owned... it is perfect for me as I am over 6ft...
  7. Riding it wouldn't be a problem. Stopping at a junction, on a cambered road would be :frown:
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  8. Oh Dear... Being tall has its own set of inherent problems too such as banging your head in confined areas and looking like a clown sat on a circus bicycle when astride a pocket rocket sports bike
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  9. And that's why I look cool on a Sports bike :upyeah:
  10. El, I'm only 5'6ish and have a touring seat on and have no problems with mine.....although I've been enduro riding for years and use to tall bikes
  11. Stop being such a girl - cant touch the floor on mine either - however (not that I have ) but (if I do ) drop it at the lights - I can pick it up again

    I do get comments 'you going to get that lowered luv?' - I wont post my replies here
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  12. Have to get an ik'le seat, or platform boots "slade style" ! :wink:
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  13. I just watched this National Geographic program on YouTube about the Ducati Multistrada, if you have time(its 45mins long) its interesting to watch.
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  14. I found the Multi tall to get on the seat but once there, it wasn't a problem.
  15. +1
    the riders seat is high, and the pillion seat is much higher still. I have to step on using the foot-peg, but once in the saddle, I can get my heels down (5'10"). I blame the high pillion seat assembly.
    #15 DonaldDuc, Dec 28, 2012
    Last edited: Dec 28, 2012
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  16. or both :frown:
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  17. Interesting, apparently it takes 8 hours to assemble the parts into a Multistrada.
    The Guy at 18'00" (gearbox builder), I really hate him.
    #17 DonaldDuc, Dec 28, 2012
    Last edited: Dec 28, 2012
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  18. On the plus side the high riding position gives a good view of the road ahead
  19. An Interesting video... can't believe the size of them pistons
  20. Nik's comment might have been tongue in cheek but some bike boots work better than others.
    I've worn Altberg boots for a number of years and these have a really chunky sole. Okay I'm right at the top of my range at 5'8" but nevertheless feel comfortable most of the time. I really notice the height difference and struggle when I wear my flat soled summer boots.
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