We are people here from all walks of life. Was wondering anyone here in music industry, specific a person that would listen to an album (few songs) of person/band wannabe that later decides to publish with them or not? Is there even such a job (I know nothing) but looking for a back door in. Half of success is showing your product to right people ej? No it is not for me I do not sing (unless butcher on karaokeeee).
You mean an A&R man for one of the 'labels'.............these days not so many around. Many 'groups' and musicians now self record, promote and publicise, plus release their stuff online without a label being involved. One of the best routes used to be through sending tapes and cds to John Peel, but I'm afraid that has now gone. If you are hoping to find a label that will take up your friend's stuff, then your best bet is to research which record companies still exist and contact their A&R people. BTW, A&R means 'Artists and Recording' or now, more often 'Artists and Repertoire'. Be wary of companies that advertise online that state they will do it all for you and get you in with the A&R people.....check them out thoroughly. Sorry to be no more help than that, I have been out of it for a very long time. AL
I hope someone posts with help reflecting the current state re: your plea L. You are totally right as if an agent and 'correct' record company get truly behind you almost anything is possible. Like many on here I have several friends in the Industry and thanks (?) to the Internet and other communications it's much easier to get exposure to 'generally public' so much harder to get noticed. I know 'Berenice' for example who has been 'knocking on the door' for several years now without success.