Just looking at popping a filter in as I've just put a termi slip on, on.... Any input on which filter to use, I've always ran BMC but reading about the MWR and the air balance stuff I was thinking of that. Which one responds better in the Pani?
Had the bmc fitted with full system been more than happy with set up , better since recent up maps , picks up better than standard filter
Heard good things about Sprint filters on eu forums. Motorapido sell them. Sprint Super Competition Performance Air Filter, 899, 1199 Panigale, Tricolore | eBay CarpiMoto - Sprint Filter Air Filter for Ducati 1199 Panigale Sprint Air Filter - Ducati Panigale 1199/899 | PM127S Ducati Panigale 1199 Performance Air Filter is ready from Sprint Filters