Well not exactly, but very close. Started my 750ss to leave work yesterday and noticed it was very slow turning over but at least it started. On my way home I noticed the lights were getting dimmer all the time - bugger. I made it home and immediately set about checking it over. Just as I suspected it's the reg/rec that's packed up so I'm looking at my options at the moment. It wouldn't be so bad but I've just stripped the top end on my Triumph army bike which is my usual winter transport and that's got broken rings!. Looks like the old mopeds going to get some extra miles on her.
Fit an Electrex RR51 reg rec......Their wiring diagram isn't that good for what you do with the defunct wires etc, so if you want a simple diagram for tidying that up.... AL
Thanks for the replies and the diagram. I've been looking at the Electrex units but also been having a look at the later Mosfet type reg/recs which are supposed to be far more efficient and don't get as hot as the SCR (standard Ducati) type. I think the later Yamaha r1, r6 etc. use them as standard.
This subject as talked about in sim900sl restoration. I did a bit of reading and found also that the wires from the stator were under size. Can anyone confirm this. What's the solution, replacing the wires (don't fancy taking that on) or buying new. Does anyone know if the Electrex stator has larger wires. Cheers, Gaz
Can't help with that Gaz........all I can tell you is that my SS has got an RR51 reg rec fitted........It wasn't wired up very well when I got the bike, so I did it properly....... .....but I didn't solder the yellow wires (which were the same size from the reg rec as the alternator ones), just used big push fit connectors and waterproofed them..... ....never has a problem with charging etc..............and when I fitted one of the Sparkbrite battery monitors it was interesting to see at what revs / when the charge kicks in, depending on what other devices are switched on..... I would definitely fit a monitor on any bike now....for £10 they are worth it, because I am pretty certain from what I have seen you would get plenty of warning something is up with the reg rec / charging system. AL
I'm all for improving the original system on our bikes but replacing the stator winding when it's worked for all these years and is still giving good service seems a bit OTT. Probably best to leave well alone until (if ever) it stops working. If you've got the engine stripped for work ok but personally I wouldn't bother unless I had to. Arquebus - Can you give me any more info on the Sparkbrite battery monitor?
12v LED Battery Monitor, voltage and charge indicator * | eBay There you go.....I advise you to contact the seller (very respectable) and ask for an 8mm or 5mm one....the 10mm one is big and bright. Mine is wired through a relay switched off the ignition side of a spare fuse in the fusebox. AL
+1 to the use of the voltage monitor, I have just bought a third, for the Elefant. Use the "contact the seller" to specify the size, 8mm is the way to go.
Think I`ll give one of those a go. My battery light is on all the time at tickover but goes off at about 1200 rpm. I checked the reg/rec today with a volt meter, I have 13.4v at 3000 rpm and 14.4v at 4000 rpm. This is with what appears to be a standard reg/rec. I borrowed a used Electrex one from a mate and my battery light is on all the time, irrelevant of what revs. I`m getting 15-ish volts at the battery with this one. I was hoping my reg/rec would give a massive volt reading so the decision to buy a new one would be easy, now I don`t know what to do.
From what I see with the battery monitor, I reckon I was right guessing I should run with lights on with the Electrex reg rec on mine.... AL
Actually not in very bright sun (but most of the time, depending where you mount it, it is usually in shadow......but on the overcast or cloudier days and the dark, the 10mm is too bright. Mine is top right of the right hand black plastic panel on the right side of the speedo.....my alarm switch and led is bottom of that panel. The actual monitor has no weight to it, so you could use a good sticky pad and shove it against the inside of the nose fairing sort of behind the rev counter. AL