My Display Has Gone Nutty

Discussion in 'Supersport (2016 onwards)' started by gliddofglood, Aug 1, 2022.

  1. Last week on the way home from work my display decided to freeze. It just registered 69 km/h and 4000 revs and the clock stayed still and everything just stayed the same. No biggie, I thought, it’ll probably all go back to normal when I turn off the bike and turn it back on. And I was right.

    But then today, the screen tried to display everything at once so that it was just a mass of grey lines. So I stopped, turned the engine off and on again and it went back to normal for 25 minutes before deciding to go completely blank. On the way back home it worked fine again. Is this a common issue? The bike is a December 2019 with about 50k kms. It runs fine, whether the display is working or not. I’ve only had it a few months and I’m very happy with it but obviously a display that sometimes works and sometimes doesn’t is less than ideal. Any ideas?
  2. hay, how are yah?
    the way CAN systems work and share information around various systems i doubt it is anything other than a faulty dash (Node) i guess you could try disconnecting the battery for 15mins or so and see if it resets. earlier systems were prone to being to slow to keep up with the amount of info being shared but i doubt a 2019 model would suffer from that.
  3. No direct experience with the Supersport but possibly the connector on the back of the dash has a doggy connection. Try removing and checking that this all looks clean and moisture/corrosion free.

    Possible warning: Not sure if Ducatis are anything like MVs but the tech warned me when I had one of those that cycling the ignition with the dash disconnected would confuse the ECU to the point where the bike would no longer start without a dealer reset.
  4. Sounds like a connection issue. Washed it or got it wet? 50kms is quite a lot so possible it’s worn a bit over time and use?? Although it’s not a lot of time!
  5. Unfortunately yet another failure on a 3yr-old bike! What's the warranty period - 2yrs? Email to Ducati would be worth doing I think...
  6. Can't help glid but good to see you :)
    • Agree Agree x 1
  7. Thanks all for your greetings and ideas. Of course, I’ll just get the dealer to deal with it (can’t remember if he gave me any guarantee) but I was just interested whether it was a known issue. I think, though I couldn’t swear, that even when the display isn’t working it is still keeping a count of mileage and fuel use. The warning lights on the top work - you can still see if you’re in neutral - but nothing on the LCD. It did it again this morning on the way into work.

    Otherwise things are hunky dory apart from the shite mirrors which vibrate so much they tell you next to nothing at all. The worst mirrors I’ve ever had on a bike. Could be that a bushing is worn I suppose. It is apparently a common problem.
    • Like Like x 1
  8. if this was a car/van i would have no doubts in my diagnosis of a faulty dash.
  9. That’s probably what they’ll say as they hand me a hefty bill for a new one.
    I have been warned. Thanks.
  10. I have a 17 SS. No issue with the dash (hope I haven’t jinxed it) fuel gauge yes, quick shifter yes but not dash. Hope you get it sorted
  11. Greetings to the lawn mower guy!

    No ideas to help you on the dash, but its an electrickery box and usually when the go on the blink its a prelude to going dark forever. Prepare your wallet for a crash diet.

    Didn't you have a bike a garage being rebuilt for a year or two... Did you ever get it sorted?

    Good to see you here,
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