My Garage, Repair Or Replace

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Cream_Revenge, Jan 17, 2015.

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  1. Hi

    So, problem is my garage (it's not a shed Mr Insurance underwriters) is damp, my bike gets wet under her blankets and its not very secure. I don't care about the cold but I want to stop my bikes and tools rusting.

    Currently I have a concrete base 4.5x5.85m. It appears to be 6" deep but I could not see any membrane.

    The wooden garage is built on top of this base. The roof is letting water through and the board under the felt is wet.

    The sides are wet on the inside from about halfway down and quite a lot is rotten at the bottom. I think gutters round the edge would help this.

    The gravel round the edge is only about 1/2 deep.

    I'd rather not raise the floor any higher if it can be avoided as its too steep to push a bike up the slope already from the access already.

    Putting the bikes in the house IS NOT an option. It would result in divorce then I would not even have a crap garage.

    So, how much to sort this or to flatten it and build a block one round the edge? Access to the rear is fine for lazy builders and their vans and I can access all 4 sides but the side with the single door and Windows is tight.


    Ps, I know it's a mess, it's on my to do list.

    Yes, I know it needs painting.















  2. Well, it's pretty obvious why it is damp..........

    But the structure looks well worth saving.

    I would rip off the roof first and then lay plywood on it, a breather membrane (say, Tyvek, which also acts as a moisture barrier) batten the roof and then use fake slates.

    Gutter it as you rightly say.

    Then rip the boarding off and fix plywood, again use Tyvek and batten / weatherboard it. (actually the battening isn't really that necessary as the weatherboarding will be self ventilating to some extent).

    Once done you can establish if it needs to be warmer and you can use say, Jablite slabs or similar in between the studs, and use a thinner ply to line it inside.

    Here's mine......18'-00 x 13'-00

    • Like Like x 4
    • Agree Agree x 1
  3. Definitely worth repairing and a good maintenance schedule is the key to keeping the moisture out and making the building last.
  4. that is very nice..
    • Funny Funny x 1
  5. So what would you expect that to come to for:
    A: materials and me to do.
    B: get the trade in for the lot

    Also, what about the door?

    Is the floor ok if it is 6" solid concrete?

    I like yours @Arquebus. Did you do it yourself? And what did it cost? (If you don't mind me asking?
  6. When you say structure, you mean floor, uprights and the roof joists?
  7. put some guttering on it in the mean time.
  8. About a bag of sand to do it properly yourself.
    double to get a builder type...but make sure he does it how the man said.
  9. You can't have anything leaning up against the outside, as it just draws the water into the wood.
    Get rid of the "snakes"
  10. @aircon, snakes? Bags of sand?
    • Funny Funny x 1
  11. I saw the snakes - bags of sand got me :)
    • Funny Funny x 1
  12. I'm proper lost.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  13. bag of sand = a grand....
    • Agree Agree x 1
    • Useful Useful x 1
  14. Urgh, cockneys.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  15. Snakes - hose pipes at the side of the garage?
    • Agree Agree x 1
  16. I thought you were a urghcockney :Wideyed:
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  17. No, Dorset born and bread. Lived near the M25 for past 15 years but only about 2 years inside the M25 and that was in Weybridge which is proper posh like.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  18. I only just put the hose pipe there as it was irritating me hanging up in the garage, having to roll it up and unroll it and having it slowly drip dry inside.

    I'm sure I could find a new home.
    • Like Like x 1
  19. More Mockney than Cockney....
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
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