My Last Hurrah

Discussion in 'Newbies Hangout' started by CostDes1, Dec 30, 2022.

  1. I have recently acquired a 2004 ST4S ( birthday present from my wife as a last hurrah).
    It is now tucked up in a heated garage until the Spring but on ,so far, limited riding it seems a massively underrated and undervalued machine.
    I’m based on the western edge of the Yorkshire Dale- any recommendations as regards Ducati Specialist gratefully received . FB63D7B1-9A6F-4234-85B9-BC8FF6CDA5A7.png
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  2. Welcome to the Forum.:)
  3. Welcome.
    @nelly at Cornerspeed shouldn’t be too far away :upyeah:
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  4. Thanks- I’ll check them out
  5. Welcome. You’ll be closer to Ducati Manchester or Ducati John in Morley.
  6. Thanks- I suspect you’re right. It’s about the same distance for me to both.
  7. Welcome into our mad house
  8. Welcome and enjoy.
  9. Welcome
  10. Greetings!

    I have heard through a good source that there will be a surplus of "hurrahs "available in your area for the foreseeable future. Please do you part for the community by enjoying several more!
  11. Very good almost undiscovered riding roads around there! :upyeah:
  12. Welcome. Don’t have any experience but Ducati John seems to have a good rep
  13. Welcome and lovely bike.
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