My Take On A 900ss Ie

Discussion in 'Builds & Projects' started by Stephen Murray, May 7, 2015.

  1. Here is my finished 900ss ie winter project, on the basis that a photo is worth a thousand words here goes.[​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] CNC one off covers made by a mate in his shed , he will make anything for you check out his web site ,just type in Shaun Wainford .[​IMG] I had to do a lot of work on the tank to change the standard shape but I think it has turned out ok.[​IMG] I tried to match the tank moulding with the line of the standard tank as it does not match the classic lines of a cafĂ© racer.[​IMG] The engine painted in satin black.[​IMG] Machining finished .[​IMG] frame chopped and modified welded and painted.[​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] Seat brackets added as you lose a lot of seat height when you remove the standard seat. Seat painted [​IMG] Swing arm done.[​IMG] Motor fitted .[​IMG] All the crap you have to get rid of and relocate on a standard bike.[​IMG] Seat and tank painted .[​IMG] Speedo pick up mounted on the front mudguard [​IMG] Speedo and led rear light fitted.[​IMG] Fairing and Mudguard painted and fitted I cut down the screen to lower the height . [​IMG] Original bike at Whitby in north Yorkshire .
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  2. Bit 'blingy' in places but very nicely executed :)
  3. cool cool. kept you busy. :upyeah:
  4. nicely interesting
    where did you relocate the ignition coils
  5. Welded the coil brackets under the tank.
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  6. piccys or it didn't happen lol
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